For my fellow Catholics

Sorry that was a bit ignorant of me. I just read up about the five forbidden grains. What do you eat instead?

Listening to St. Matthew Passion, like I always do on Good Friday (we had Tenebrae this morning at church… and will have additional service this afternoon)

This is my preferred performance to listen to:

Matzo. Which is made from wheat but ritually prepared to make certain no wild yeast could have grown in it.

Also, for starches we eat potatoes, rice, quinoa, corn, maybe some others. Some Jews don’t eat rice or corn (or beans) because they are too similar to the five forbidden grains (wheat, rye, oat, barley, and spelt) but my family has never done that.


I do like hot cross buns, though. I’ve even made them in the spring, although not during Passover.

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Going to make Empty Tombs on Sunday. Those are fun. It’s basically a cinnamon roll, but you put a marshmallow inside that disintegrates during baking such that when you bite into the treat it is empty inside… like Jesus’s tomb!

Listening to Bach’s St Matthew Passion now! At church early for the Good Friday service.

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We sang O Sacred Head Surrounded at least twice today (two separate services)

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Good Friday I feel all the feels. Especially with music.

Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon you?
It is my treason, Lord, that has undone you.
T’was I Lord Jesus; I it was denied you.
I crucified you.


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One Palm Sunday we had All Glory Laud and Honor at four separate points during the service. (Once billed as Hosanna Loud Hosannas, but it’s the same song.) My director was quick to point out that she submitted her Palm Sunday music selections FIRST before any of the other music had been decided.

Yeah, I think we get one Hosanna on Palm Sunday, because during Lent, Hosannas are generally no-nos.

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Body of Christ delivery?

Can’t be, since there’s no presence candle (although that would be funny to see a droid eucharistic minister being led by candle-holding droids)

It’s at the very end of the procession, not the beginning.

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Carried by a replicant most likely.

Today I was listening to the Catechism in a Day podcast and I learned that I am NOT going straight to Hell because I’m a Protestant. Relief! (But I’ve always known I would go to Hell for my pride…)

But also it would be better if I would join the Catholic Church to contribute to the unity of the fellowship of believers.

I have to admit I was somewhat convicted re my attitude towards a certain denomination that I am convinced is DOING IT WRONG. I’m supposed to have respect for those guys, dang it. (And no, I am not referring to the dear Catholics who are sharing their podcast with me.)

(It was Day 115 I think—not sure if it was today but I listened to it today. I’m really enjoying Father Mike Schmitz.)

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Gosh! What a gift!

We should be getting to the sacraments soon, I think

talking about this podcast:

Yes that one. I learned about it from you, in this thread. Ever curious, I like listening to it.

Right, we’re still in the Apostle’s Creed.

We’re in the middle of “one, holy, apostolic & catholic Church” - today was “holy”. I assume tomorrow will be “apostolic”

I do have a copy of the CCC from the 1990s … somewhere. And there’s this one: [looks like it was put together in the 90s]

We are here:

Looks like we have several more bits before the sacraments

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I find it interesting. My denomination has articles of faith along with some general guidelines for how to live. But if you took a year to read it, it would be maybe a paragraph a day.

I might listen to his Bible in a year as well, because I haven’t read the books that are not in the Protestant Bible.