For my fellow Catholics

Or a bit of silliness?

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Happy Solemnity of the Annunciation!

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I absolutely love Biebl’s Ave Maria.

I keep wanting to read it this way.

Forgive me father for I have sinned!!


He’s old (86) and lost part of one lung when he was young (yikes) due to a respiratory infection.

Pneumonia and/or chronic lower respiratory disease are both fairly serious at his age.

From 10 years ago, when he was a sprightly 76:


I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Tuesday

here are some pics

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St. Dominic and a chess piece say howdy

and here is St. Benedict of Palermo

A few other things here:

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I like the Ginger Jesus of the tapestry.

In honor of Maundy Thursday. Mr aj is far left. Circa 2003

And yeah, pic of a pic from a scrapbook. I wish I had the rehearsal pic when they were all wearing shades.


They did the play, I assume? (You mentioned rehearsal, so I was guessing.)

I can’t remember what it’s called (The Upper Room, maybe?), despite having been involved in two different productions, 30 years apart, in two different churches in two different states. Anyway it starts with Jesus saying that one of them would betray him and then it’s 12 monologues from each of the disciples about the events of the week and reflecting back on Jesus’s ministry from their perspective. Culminating, of course, with Judas. But during each monologue the other 11 disciples and Jesus are frozen as Da Vinci painted them. That one?

the tapestry was designed by a guy in Brussels

It was a production, maybe inspired by that one, where they reproduced several art pieces about Christ. My hubby was involved with a lot of the set building and painting. It was over Easter weekend and I’d always be at my mom’s with the girls, so I attended a few rehearsals.


If you would have to describe him, would you say he was a mesomorph about 193cm tall selling bread and sandwiches?

May you feel joy in this holy day.

The joy of hot cross buns hitting the roof of your mouth.

Sadly, it’s passover. So I will take a pass on that joy.