For my fellow Catholics

tofu is good. i’m not gonna find a gross bone in it like i might with chicken or any other meat or fish.

unless it’s bone tofu

We don’t use tofu

we do use miso.

Stu was a strict vegetarian for 25-ish years. We’ve got a huge non-meat (and non-fish) cooking repertoire that doesn’t even use dairy or eggs

It’s pretty easy to avoid meat.

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I have no interest in avoiding meat, because i love meat. But yeah. We rarely eat meat except for supper, and we have a couple of vegan dinners most weeks just for variety. Schroeder made a nice dish with moong dahl last night.

We eat what we like. Avoid what we don’t. Most of the time, it involves some sort of meat (or seafood). Sometimes it doesn’t. Made and had vegetable soup the other night for dinner. We do meatless chili sometimes, too.

Most Chinese restaurants use soft tofu - much better when it’s firm IMO. But I try not to eat too much of it. A nutritionalist told me that there is so much soy in food already that it’s best not to overdo it.

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I know multiple people who have developed sensitivities to soy as adults… to the point that I am borderline afraid of eating tofu.

I mean, I will if it’s the only option such as I’m a guest in someone’s home and they serve it to me. But I never buy it to have on hand, and I only order it in a restaurant if everything else looks awful.

I’d much rather be able to eat the occasional bowl of edamame and random food that’s been flavored with soy sauce when I’m 65 than have tofu now and be unable to eat that stuff later. And given what older family members are dealing with… that does seem like the actual choice I’m facing.

nobody -needs- tofu

Huh, maybe it runs in your family? I don’t know anyone who is sensitive to soy. And as good Jews, all of my family eats Chinese pretty regularly.

I love me some fried tofu with ginger sauce. Or the strips of tofu in hot&sour soup…


i never think twice about it when i eat tofu. so far, it hasn’t killed me.

Tofu is like chicken or a generic white fish to me. Meh, can take it or leave it.

with chicken or fish i might find bones or evidence of life which grosses me out. not with tofu!

Yeah, it does seem to.

The people involved had a lot of tofu in their diets.

Chinese food with soy sauce in it has a lot less soy than tofu though.

I do enjoy Chinese food. And edamame. I don’t want to have to give those up.

Tofu is not a big loss to me. And since that’s been a part of everyone’s diets that have had the issue, it just makes sense to avoid it.

I know tons of people with lots of tofu in their diets. It’s cheap. It goes well with lots of delicious sauces.

Oh well, there are much more onerous foods to avoid.

Outside of my family I’ve only ever met one person with this issue (that I know of… obviously someone could have a sensitivity to soy and not tell me).

She was so surprised when I told her that several family members have the same issue. She’d never met anyone else with the issue… even in her family.

She had also eaten a lot of tofu before the problem crept up.

So based on my small sample size, it only seems to happen among regular tofu eaters. Which is why I don’t mind the occasional tofu. But I’m not interested in expanding its role in my diet.

Yeah, makes sense. It’s not like it’s that hard to avoid tofu.

I know a woman who is sensitive to chicken and corn, including eggs and corn syrup. She pretty much has to avoid most prepared foods. I know a guy who has a deadly allergy to nightshades. Tomato, peppers, potato (including potato starch lurking in foods) could kill him. Celiac disease is pretty common. Heck, sensitivities to fodmaps, which are in almost everything, are common. If i had to pick a good sensitivity, “soy” wouldn’t be that bad.

I see tofus primarily as a flavor sponge. In that sense, it is superior to chicken, which doesn’t soak up flavor nearly so well.

But eating edamame is very different from eating tofu and both are clearly superior to the highly processed soy in so many processed foods (including energy bars). Tofu is also processed, but not in the way that “soy protein isolate” or “textured vegetable protein” has been (nasty shit, those others).

The imagery accompanying this in my head included a code team over a dinner plate and someone yelling “clear!..we have a pulse!”

I’ve been lucky and my chicken hasn’t waddled off the table mid-meal.

A friend who works at a food company has a nickname for TVP: dog food. I tried it ONCE and agree it is nasty shit.

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