For my fellow Catholics

No, not serious. Apologies to all your vegetarian/vegan Catholic friends/colleagues. Are you giving up anything for Lent?

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Yes, sweets and food ordered out, two things Iā€™ve been relying too heavily on recently.

My church was open for Ash Wednesday mass, but thereā€™s no way I was gonna go given how they observe masking and social distancing. :scream: :angry: :man_facepalming:

Theyā€™re sprinkling ashes on peopleā€™s heads this year instead of the forehead thing.

Better than hot coals.

Hmmm, one of my two [Protestant] churches had an Ash Wednesday service yesterdayā€¦ wonder if thatā€™s what they did. I didnā€™t go for reasons unrelated to Covid, but I havenā€™t been very comfortable with the level of mask compliance there, so I stopped attending in-person services. They used to do parking lot services, which were great, then eventually switched to in-person, which hasnā€™t been.

I agreed to participate in the Easter service though, which I regret because Iā€™m nervous about it, but I feel I canā€™t back out now. Need to buy another N-95 mask for that service.

Yeah, masking compliance is poor at my church located in an elite liberal suburb. Like, everyone wears them, but over half are under their noses. :rage:

I went to a funeral mass at a Catholic Church in a working class area, assuming that it was going to be even worse. I sat in the back, planning to duck out if I was uncomfortable and just wait to pay my respects at the (outdoor) graveside service that happens after the mass.

But out of maybe 70-80 people (in a sanctuary designed for probably 500) not a single one was improperly masked. So I stayed, and it was a really nice service.


going to a funeral Sunday, totally graveside.

will forego all the other normal visiting

Itā€™s been pretty good here in NY.

Everybody masks around here, and theyā€™ve got the pews marked off.

I still donā€™t go in on Sunday, because itā€™s too many people for my comfort, but daily Mass has been just fine. Fewer than 100 people.

There are always a few who have masks beneath their noses, but Iā€™m usually far away from those folks (and yes, there are a lot of big noses here in NY and people have trouble keeping their noses covered. Make bigger masks, dammit!)

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Stu told me that. I just got a smudge (instead of the usual cross)

Bigger noses should be easier to keep properly covered as there is more to hold the mask up.

Yes, it works for me. Has a phoenix ever arisen from anyoneā€™s forehead?

I havenā€™t been to a non-Zoom service in almost a year. There is the option to do socially distanced outdoor services but attendance is limited and since Iā€™m ok with Zoom I donā€™t want to take anyoneā€™s spot.

Some of my people need to be smited real good!!! :judge:

Some info on ā€œIs Fish Meat?ā€

The Jewish religion also distinguishes fish from meat. Observant Jews can eat dairy with fish but not with meat.

Soā€¦ sweetmeats are breads, but sweetbreads are meatā€¦

Since the rules were set before any Christians spoke English, I donā€™t really see the point of delving into the English etymology of the word ā€œmeatā€, though.

Also, I like Chinese menus, which tend to have separate sections for ā€œbeef & lambā€, ā€œporkā€, ā€œchicken & duckā€, ā€œfishā€, and ā€œtofuā€.

tofu :nauseated_face:

r u rdy for Filet Oā€™Fish Friday

I eat lentils. And naan.