Fine Dining in the era of sustainable farming

I don’t know either, but I know multiple
humans with high cholesterol are told to exercise to lower the cholesterol.

everything we know about cholesterol seems to be conjectures.

same with blood pressure.


Why you are exasperating to attempt to converse with.

  1. “Most people” why do you think that do you have evidence? Even if I agree with the idea you are attempting to convey stating an opinion is not a defense of your argument.
  2. Meat from humanely treated animals is not the same as lab grown meat from animal cells.
  3. Yes, I addressed the varying reason why people don’t eat meat overly simplified as diet and ethics. Did you read what I wrote?

Anecdotal story time

The concept of lab grown meat is that you do not need an animal involved, just cells which can be continually reproduced from other cells. No matter how ethically sourced the chicken you still have to kill one chicken for every two chicken legs.

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Not anymore!

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you new here?

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you have summoned the goddess of anecdotes. none shall be spared


Hey! That’s the name of my rock band!


I did. It is not really an argument that lab-grown meat would be an option for vegans.

But if you don’t want to take my word for it, Google and you’ll get a bunch of hits, which seem to all agree that lab-grown meat is not vegan.

An excerpt from one (emphasis original):

I like how we’re treating vegans as a monolith.

Pretty sure each vegan will have to decide for themself whether they think lab grown meat is edible or not.



If you’re able to get a million times the meat per animal, then the ethical argument is one millionth as valid.

Of course many people will still cling to it, but they’re wrong. :slight_smile:


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Clearly the only response(assuming anyone else even bothered to read that far into that post(.


wouldn’t be the first time vegans are wrong


I need to watch that episode again, I think of it quite a bit.

That show is funny because it’s true!!!

Yeah, I mean, I’m not vegan in the first place. I think it’s kind of bonkers to put honey in the same category as eggs from massive egg factories.

But if they abstain from all animal products then it seems that this lab-meat still meets the definition of being an animal product, regardless of the calories obtained per animal.

I’m of the opinion that vegetarians/vegans and hunters/outdoors folks are closer in sentiment than you’d expect. Both have an interest in sustainability, proper treatment of animals, and where our food is sourced from. The only difference in the two is whether you believe it’s acceptable to kill an animal for food.
Anyway, that opinion isn’t real popular with vegans, so I don’t tend to bring it up at parties.

I know some vegans that grow most of their own food - year round, including in the winter. I have to get over and see their layout (because we both have an interest in growing food, but they’re doing it way better than me).


Funny bot shit there.


passed my turing test

We’ve started keeping some ‘impossible’ meat in our fridge.

It’s probably not the best burger/meatballs/sausage I’ve ever had, but definitely above average.

If I didn’t know better, I would absolutely assume it was meat, though a slightly different breed.

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