Favorite Candy

Somewhere in or around the SOA thingy.


Ferrero Rocher, Kit Kat, Sour gummies/skittles/anything

my kid went on a work trip with me to cayman. wife also there. they beached it up while I worked (where “work” is defined as a sequence of meetings all day where I eat and drink very well).

the kit kats (canadian/UK) were her favorite. she and i both could notice a difference. had to explain to work that the 10 kit kats itemized on the hotel bill were “personal”.

I was thinking we had this thread before, but not exactly:

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I have a candy bar every day at lunch and have come up with the following rankings

  1. Dove
  2. Kit Kat
  3. Mini M&M
  4. M&M
  5. Hersery
  6. Peanut M&M
  7. Crunch
  8. Sixlet

dove is a soap btw. shouldn’t eat

I used to eat one practically every day, but my blood glucose level was way too high last time I had it checked, so I’ve cut way back.

Oh no Dove chocolate bars are the best! Don’t find them very often but when I do I buy them all

Ritter sport has lots of good and interesting varieties of chocolate bars.

Alright my ranking here-

  1. Reese’s Pieces
  2. M&Ms (plain or peanut or peanut butter)
  3. Kit Kats
  4. Snickers
  5. Krackel/Crunch/Mr Goodbar (Crunch is slightly better, but all basically the same)
  6. 3 Musketeers
  7. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
  8. SweeTarts
  9. Butterfinger
  10. Smarties (us version)
  11. Skittles
  12. Baby Ruth
  13. Sour Patch Kids
  14. Twix
  15. Junior Mints

The “it would sit on my counter so long I would throw it away before I ate it” list, in no particular order:

  • Starburst
    Tootsie Pops / suckers of any kind
    Laffy Taffy
    Tootsie Rolls
    Milky Way
    Heath Bar
    Milk Duds
    Candy Corn
    Jolly Ranchers
    Pretzel M&Ms
    Jelly Beans
    Hot Tamales
    Marshmallow anything

the lack of ferrero rocher is homophobic

Those are good. I was thinking of things you would get on Halloween, ferrerro rocher are more like high-end chocolates and similar to a box of chocolates you would get on valentine’s day. I consider that a different class than standard fare “candy”.


ferrero rocher is always disappointing to me. It looks like a big ball of chocolate and nuts, but then ends up being mostly air and is unsatisfying.

AIR?! it’s layers of deliciousness. there’s no air in it.

maybe I’m thinking of something else

i mean it’s about as airy as kit kat

there ain’t no air in space


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