Facebook observations

The Automan Empire

He seems nice.

I have exactly 23 “friends” on FB. I am related to all of them by blood (1st cousin or closer) or marriage to the same.

Under the “People you may know “ section they often list friends of friends…but sometimes total strangers to me.

Today, it suggested someone who had a picture of herself along with other people & I said, “geez, that kind of looks like @SpaceLobster …and she has the same last name.”

HTH does FB link me up with this person? I mean, I’m linked to the orbiting crustacean on LinkedIn…but that’s about it.

I drove by a still in construction condo building aimed at retiree living with a yuuuge banner on it. Guess what popped up as an ad in my feed. :roll_eyes: :tfh:

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Ad on FB…I believe they all have the same first name:


When you want your walls to look trashy, but also extra kitschy.

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I guarantee whoever buys those lives, laughs, AND loves.


Don’t talk to me before I’ve had my wine


It’s difficult to get to me before I’ve had my wine

Another SOA sponsored to use our math super powers for good. :man_superhero: :woman_superhero:

Screenshot or go home

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I am not seeing any SOA logos there

Zoom in on the eyes…

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This is probably not new, but I’ve just started noticing

I’ve been seeing several people post still pictures (usually memes), but they are posting them as 2-second videos instead of just an image.


A video or the “live” feature where it takes a series of photos so you can pick out the one where everyone’s eyes are open?

Sometimes the “live” photos do play through the two seconds and the resolve to the selected “primary” photo.

I have no clue, but these have been memes (an image of the mom and dad from Bluey with a funny caption, for example), not photos.

Oh, and no movement on the “video”?

Nope. Just a 2-second video of a still image

And I’ve seen similar things posted by more than one person.