Data visualization repository

shame on you, IFoA

unnamed (1)

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To get that nasty taste out of my mouth, Charles Booth’s poverty maps of London

Weird graphs:


Free O’Reilly text by Claus O. Wilke

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RIP Leland Wilkinson, the author of the Grammar of Graphics, which inspired ggplot in R

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some palettes i like

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This is clearly incomplete as I don’t see any 3-D pie charts.


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I have a gift for those who use Excel:

link to get the compressed folder:

and the blog post with some other stuff in it

see, it can even make pie charts look nice.

I talked w. Harsh Jaitak about some stuff, but spent most of the time talking about dataviz

from here;

Way too much text for a data viz.

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I need to harvest these later…

Maybe I should start a separate thread, but for right now, I’ll put this here.

I’m putting together a few videos with some tips/how-tos

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Someone using an AI called Midjourney to create dataviz in the style of various artists and designers

I like the Lisa Frank one

Dali bar chart