Data visualization repository


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I have a gift for those who use Excel:

link to get the compressed folder:

and the blog post with some other stuff in it

see, it can even make pie charts look nice.

I talked w. Harsh Jaitak about some stuff, but spent most of the time talking about dataviz

from here;

Way too much text for a data viz.

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I need to harvest these later…

Maybe I should start a separate thread, but for right now, I’ll put this here.

I’m putting together a few videos with some tips/how-tos

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Someone using an AI called Midjourney to create dataviz in the style of various artists and designers

I like the Lisa Frank one

Dali bar chart

Just did a post on tile grid maps:

A classic has been updated:

The creator says they made it with Powerpoint & Excel

Did a dataviz post

I don’t know if this is best thread to post this. I found this interesting and informative.

Very enlightening. Not sure how to get this into the brains of idiots, though. That is the most difficult part of disseminating information.
Just shoot downward, and check the area before shooting. That’s pretty simple, even for idiots.

I decided to put this here:

The Pareto principle strikes again – the median American consumes less than one alcoholic drink per week, but the top 10% consume an average of 73.85.…

So, I’m above average, but… damn. That’s a LOT of booze.

I’m the 20%?

Ah, but wait – it’s wrong!

The chart, reproduced below breaks down the distribution of drinkers into deciles, and ends with the startling conclusion that 24 million American adults—10 percent of the adult population over 18—consume a staggering 74 drinks a week.

The source for this figure is “Paying the Tab,” by Phillip J. Cook, which was published in 2007. If we look at the section where he arrives at this calculation, and go to the footnote, we find that he used data from 2001-2002 from NESARC, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, which had a representative sample of 43,093 adults over the age of 18. But following this footnote, we find that Cook corrected these data for under-reporting by multiplying the number of drinks each respondent claimed they had drunk by 1.97 in order to comport with the previous year’s sales data for alcohol in the US. Why? It turns out that alcohol sales in the US in 2000 were double what NESARC’s respondents—a nationally representative sample, remember—claimed to have drunk.

While the mills of US dietary research rely on the great National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to digest our diets and come up with numbers, we know, thanks to the recent work of Edward Archer, that recall-based survey data are highly unreliable: we misremember what we ate, we misjudge by how much; we lie. Were we to live on what we tell academics we eat, life for almost two thirds of Americans would be biologically implausible.

But Cook, who is trying to show that distribution is uneven, ends up trying to solve an apparent recall problem by creating an aggregate multiplier to plug the sales data gap. And the problem is that this requires us to believe that every drinker misremembered by a factor of almost two. This might not much of a stretch for moderate drinkers; but did everyone who drank, say, four or eight drinks per week systematically forget that they actually had eight or sixteen? That seems like a stretch.

We are also required to believe that just as those who drank consumed significantly more than they were willing to admit, those who claimed to be consistently teetotal never touched a drop. And, we must also forget that those who aren’t supposed to be drinking at all are also younger than 18, and their absence from Cook’s data may well constitute a greater error. A recent study by Fairfax County in Virginia, for instance, [found]> (Demographics & Data | Demographics) that while underage drinking was declining, one in five 12th graders had binged (five or more drinks in a row) in the past two weeks. We also know that waste is a huge issue with food, with estimates running from 30-40 percent of calories produced; we do not know how much alcohol is, if you’ll forgive the pun, wasted.

While it is important to consider how ultra consumption or insatiability can skew our understanding of what people eat, drink, and do (a 2010 disaggregation of NHANES data, for instance, reveals the top quintile of teenage boys as the ne plus ultra of sugar sweetened beverage drinkers), Cook’s multiplier effect is at variance with other surveys of alcohol consumption.

This year, Gallup found that 9 percent of respondents said they had drunk between eight and 19 drinks in the past week, while 5 percent said they had drunk 20 or more. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) found that 6.5 percent of those aged 12 and over engaged in “heavy drinking” in 2012, which is defined as “drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion on each of five or more days in the past 30 days.” And an analysis of the troubled NHANES survey data for 2009-2010 found that 3.3 percent of men consumed over eight or more drinks on a given day, and 1.3 percent of women six or more.

All converge on a similar proportion; none come remotely close to Cook’s estimate; none are mentioned in Wonkblog. The reporter simply double checks Cook’s extraordinary estimate with Cook, who tells him the number is hard to imagine but is not implausible. That settles it, I suppose.

To perceive alcohol as a problem of ultra consumption is not without political consequence: it makes it easier to advocate taxation as an intervention, as it can be argued that a tax increase would only have a substantial impact on the alcoholic, and that any impact on the abstemious would be an acceptable price for fixing an immense social ill. Cook, it turns out, is just such an advocate for high taxes on alcohol, and the Wonkblog piece ends with his claim that a policy curbing the avidity of those in the tenth decile such that they’d consume no more than the ninth would cause alcohol sales to drop by 60 percent.

There is a fascinating—or, rather, ultra wonky—piece to be written on the impact of an alcohol tax on a consumption spread as envisaged by Cook versus that suggested by the more temperate data; for now, one can but note that there is evidence that the heavier the drinker the less responsive they are to changes in price (thereby illuminating the sin of sin taxes that tax the sinner who keeps on sinning; or, the St. Augustine effect—make them good, just not yet).

Oddly—or perhaps not—tax advocacy provides another, even more striking, example of Wonkblog’s failure to follow the footnotes and check out the data. In “Why the U.S. should start taxing soda like cigarettes and alcohol” the Post reported that “America’s love affair with soda has occurred alongside an eerily similar climb in the country’s sugar intake.” In evidence, the Post displayed the following graph, assembled by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), a group that has been challenged over whether its commitment to science is more ideological than research based.

and then it goes into one of my favorite topics – soda taxes!

Anyway, yeah, this is not terribly credible in proportions. I do believe there is a large percentage who drink no alcohol at all. I have no issue with that. Also, a lot of people who might drink, on average, only one drink per week. But the high end is really extreme – hmmm.

Just got my very nice books.

from the kickstarter

They’re available from the publisher:

They’ve got fold-out inserts:

…very high quality print

Uwaterloo has a stats timeline poster in one of the math buildings, and if I’m not mistaken, florence nightingale is mentioned in the timeline.