Corrupt a Wish

Granted. Your kid broke their leg last night.

I wish I had more energy.

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Granted. You’re now a cocaine addict.

I wish I only had to work 3 days a week.

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Granted you have tremendous energy. Getting massive amounts of work done.
And cannot sleep ever. Delusions and psychosis await. You have about 10 days.

I beat you to it. Also, you didn’t wish for something. So I win.

Granted. The “week” is now defined as 3 days long.

I wish I hadn’t forgotten to wish with the last response.

Granted you have tremendous energy. Getting massive amounts of work done.
And cannot sleep ever. Delusions and psychosis await. You have about 10 days.

I wish I could travel the world.

Granted. You now live in the Mad Max universe.

I wish I could find a new favorite movie of all time.

Granted. You now have to watch every movie ever made in order of Rotten Tomatoes rank - ascending.

I wish I could get my excel macro to do its job faster.

Wish granted. A kid in India has reworked your macro, your boss was so impressed he fired you and hired 10 more actuaries in India with your old salary.

I wish being an actuary wasn’t so boring

Granted Valuation is now done “Hunger Games” style. Hurry up but for God’s sake don’t make an error!!

I wish the AOMs were completed already.

Granted. No idea what AOM is. But thanks to google, you now have Acute otitis media , a middle ear infection of abrupt onset. Fully completed.

I wish my acid reflux would go away for good.

Granted it now goes the other way and you have permanent flaming galloping trots.

I wish the model teams would stop costing us time with silly avoidable mistakes.

Granted. They now cost you $1M for each silly avoidable mistake.

I wish there was a euphoric drug with no side effects.

Wish granted. You’re in love. Married with 4 snotty kids, broke, living on a single income with no future.

I wish my programmer would hurry up.

Granted. He’s finally home early for once to have some sexy time with his wife.

I wish 10-hr work days were the norm.

Granted. 70 hour work weeks are also the norm.

I wish I could learn without studying.

Wish granted. You have super intelligence but you have lost all motor control and can only communicate by blinking Morse code with your left eye. You eat via a feeding tube.

I wish my company offered one of those fancy pensions instead of a 401k plan

Wish granted! You work for the city of Detroit where you are offered a fancy pension, however, the city has just declared bankruptcy and unfortunately they had to cut your pension.

I wish my doggo would stop stealing the bedsheets at night!

Wish granted. Doggo steals the bedsheets in the morning, and sells them to buy meth amphetamine.

I wish I could walk around the house without standing on Lego.

Granted. Your personal gravity has reversed polarity and you walk on the ceiling now.

I wish to be the head of the Tri-State Area!