Commercials that annoy me

makes me wonder about the demographics of the other viewers of walker, texas ranger. i must be one of the younger ones

Which is made even higher when you factor in the pharmaceutical company’s advertising budget. I guess that’s the advantage of not allowing tv advertising for pharmaceuticals in just about every other country (except perhaps New Zealand?). It wasn’t even allowed in the US until 1997.

TIL people still watch TV that has commercials.

I can’t recall the last time I saw a commercial outside of YouTube.

The family was in a hotel not too long ago and the kids were watching TV. They were super annoyed that they couldn’t skip or fast forward through the TV ads. Also, they were upset that they couldn’t pause the show they were watching and come back to it later. I heard many times on that trip “but if we go now then I won’t be able to finish this show!” Welcome to my childhood…


The modern day snake-oil salesmen? It has always been around. In the US, the FDA used to require a ton of documentation be included with any type of advertisement. Now they can tell you where to look for that stuff in the TV commercial.

One of the things I hate about them is that they say don’t take this drug if you are allergic to it or any of its components.

If I have never taken it before, how am I going to know whether or not I am allergic to it?

And BTW, if you are allergic to it and you take it, it could kill you. Have fun storming the castle.

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“Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.”


Lol. I used to have to get up to change the channel AND change the big antennae dial thing. Then wait as the antenna rotated and the picture slowly came into focus. I can still hear the noise of the antennae motor.


Hey, I was a master of the vertical hold back in the day.

I used to mess with the tint and contrast to get all kinds of weird colors, then watch TV like that for hours on end.

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One that bugged me was the one around Christmastime that has the little girl and an injured unicorn doll.

The commercial itself isn’t too bad, but it’s like a full 2 minutes. Way too long.

I know it is fantasy, but the little girl on the street hailing a cab did bug me

Taco bell. Sometimes you have to have a taco (or something like that). Yet no one orders a taco

Or two ladies talking about their signs and the one orders two burritos because she can’t make up her mind. It is taco bell, everything tastes alike


Definitely true for me because I add jalepeno sauce to everything I get. If it already has the jalepeno sauce, I order extra. Because eating a bowl of mayo-based sauce hasn’t been normalized in this mayo-hating society.

Is this the one where there’s some song that plays, and they’re in a subway and … I don’t know what the hell else happens. I just know I heard this commercial about 79 times before I saw it, and every time I heard it I thought it was some vehicle ad and I’d think geez, what a shitty ad, I have no idea who the hell that’s for.

And then I realized it was a Taco Bell commercial, and I thought geez, what a shitty ad, I’d never connect that to ‘yeah, I should get some Taco Bell’ even with a bell ring at the beginning and end of that commercial, I’d still think ‘I have no idea what the hell this is for, what a shitty ad.’

Might be about 30 other ads that I’ve heard repeatedly that kind of do the same thing: they’re for something, I have no clue what from hearing the ad, watching it makes me think yeah, no - I would never tie that audio to this product, this is a shitty ad.

Don’t even get me started on Apple commercials, which I can only guess are aimed at people actively tripping on LSD.

If only a link to the commercial had been posted…


I wouldn’t know. I’ve never, ever eaten anything from Taco Bell (or Del Taco, etc).


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