Bummer. Final in Robot survivor dropped to 49.96%, so did not qualify.
For mini, rose to 72.47%, so I am 70th of 10,883 entrants (hence 5400 ish qualifiers).
On the brighter side, Country vs Country did show up, and I played 21 of the 32 boards. No results until I finish.
Today it will be close in mini survivor. 50.83% preliminary, but no board has been played over 24 times.
And :swear: again I can’t find the country vs country tournament
Closed the BBO window. Reopened. Country vs country was available. Finished at a preliminary 55.
procrastinator wins the regular challenge with +24.25, by 21.00.
I haven’t been reporting on individual challenges and don’t expect to often, but my most recent vs procrastinator was interesting.
Mainly because we each made 3NT on a squeeze (different squeezes at the 2 tables, but both successful). Always nice to see good but tricky lines of play.
Also because I won 13 imps for a bid that I thought was a reasonable gamble while he chose a different bid, perhaps less of a gamble. Both bids were very at variance with system notes.
Only we are vulnerable
1H 2C P 2S
Dbl P 4H ?
We have KJ9xxxx x Qx xxxx
Who knows what’s best? Clubs is certainly an OK fit. Partner might have spades, but might not. System notes say my choice, 4S, shows 13+ HCP and denies 4 clubs (and has strong rebiddable spades, which despite 7 these may not be). They also say the procrastinator’s 5C shows 13+ HCP with 3 or 4 clubs. Obviously we are well short of 13 HCP, but should we pass? [System notes don’t think much of sacrifices.]
Partner had a terrible hand for playing 5C, and a hand that did not look promising for 4 spades with only xx in spades, but with Qx of spades onside, 4 spades came home (cold double dummy. Partner’s clubs are QJ10xx, but defender’s clubs are 2-2). So 3 black suit losers in either contract, as long as we play opener’s partner for the spade Q (and opener for the spade A)
It’s easy to construct hands where we prefer to be in clubs because it’s going down fewer tricks, and I was going to run to 5C had 4S been doubled. Fortunately they didn’t double, since running would have cost me the game.
Looks like you finished 15/16 hands in ours. You were going to need to pick up 8 IMPs to tie and I made 3NN= on 16. We had 10/15 hands where someone gained IMPs.
The biggest swing was hand 6 where I got +200 for 4SWx-1 and you got -140 for 3SW=. They were vulnerable. Perhaps both my 3H overcall and X were aggressive. They could have made 4, I believe with a double finesse on me in trump.
Was not picking up 8. I had finished bidding and started play. I was in 4S, going to make 4S+1 is trump Q was onside (unless (4-1), though I was taking the very slight risk that trump Q was offside and they could get a ruff. Maybe not a justified risk at imps, but bidding and play made the risk extremely low.
Yes, I thought about 4H but it seemed too aggressive when the KJ of spades look worthless for offense on the bidding and partner may not have a fit for either of my suits. (And we don’t know at that point that partner has any values.) Double hook in spades would have been off-percentage (especially with no double, but probably off-percentage even with double) since AQxxx opposite xxxxx
procrastinator wins the regular challenge with +20.75, by 10.75. oirg and procrastinator tie for first in the declare-only (which was imps by mistake) with +9.75.
I’m planning to issue one challenge a day, on a rotating basis, with this order. Must be played within 3 days. Usually but not always will be issued in the evening.
procrastinator was issued 8/16
mgiampa was issued 8/17
thekinz to be issued 8/18
regular group to be issued 8/19
declare-only to be issued 8/20. matchpoints I hope
lather, rinse, repeat
erroneously issued as imps. canceled I think, and matchpoints issued. If u have an imps group declare-only challenge, u can play it if you want, but I won’t be in it and won’t see the results.
oirg wins the regular challenge with +23.75, by 19.00
NN wins the declare-only with 59.64%, by 6.25%.
No longer reporting most individual matches, but managed to lose to procrastinator in a somewhat unusual way. He won by 9. Several other swings, but I lost exactly 9 for playing 1NT X vul down 3, -800, when he attempted to rescue from the double, reached 3NT which was not doubled, down 4. I could have saved some (and should have) by only going for 500, but that’s still a loss of the match.
Procrastinator wins the regular challenge with +17.00, by 3.00. AA and I tie for first in the declare-only with 53.91%
Regular challenge reissued today. Declarer-only to be reissued tomorrow is the plan
Reminder: the BBO fest is Mon-Wed Sept 2-4. You might be interested in country vs country, Mini survivor or Robot survivor. The survivors are free, but must play daily and be over 50% to continue. Country vs country costs $0.10 (10 cents) and just need to play all 32 boards within the three days.
Can enter all 3 if you want.
Very strange auction situations from my match against NN. My table:
CHO’s hand and the auction. With an explanation of my 3 heart bid.
What an impossible description. At least 9 HCP. At least 5 HCP, so at least 1 distribution point. But at most 9 total points. Does not compute. Also, hand opened 4th seat instead of passing it out; shouldn’t that mean at least 13 total points?
CHO’s 2C was Drury, promising at least 3 hearts and roughly 10-12 total points, so I shouldn’t have much more than 13 (else I should have bid 4 heats).
With 11 HCP and Qxxx of hearts (and only having promised 3), CHO has a maximum. But, East having used Michael’s, the spade K may be wasted, and I did not bid 4 Hearts myself, so passing 3H is reasonable.
At NN’s table, he passed over Michael’s and the auction proceeded
I bid, and CHO stops in 3 H. NN passes. And CHO insists on game??? seems inconsistent.
FWIW, the spade K was not wasted (we had the Q). 4 hearts was not cold, but we both took 10 tricks, and could have taken 11.
Looks like I forgot to play the declare-only, or perhaps I never issued it. No results show up, anyway. Procrastinator won the regular challenge with +15.50, by 0.25.
oirg wins the declare-only with 58.59%, by 4.68%.
I win the regular challenge with +26.00, by 22.75
procrastinator wins the declare-only with 57.81%, the only score over 50%.
procrastinator wins the declare-only with 60.16%, by 5.50%.