This is a carry-over of this AO thread
Here’s post 1 of that thread, modified for some subsequent changes.
*Instead of just challenges against bots, Klaymen and I have played over 20 challenges against each other. 16 board imp format, we hold the same cards at separate tables. All other players are bots. He’s up a few matches. I’m up a few imps.
*We can do this as multi-way challenges.
If you are interested, let me know in this thread or by PM. Include your BBO id.
Klaymen and I have been averaging a less than 24 hours per match (from when challenge issued to when challenge complete. I think my actual playing time for 16 boards is slightly over an hour.) The mechanics of a 2-player challenge is that the challenge expires 72 hours after the challenge is issued if not completed. Multi player challenges likely work that way too.
If you don’t want a multi player challenge but would like a 2 player challenge, it’s all good.
Challenges could also be MPs or total points. I prefer imps but could be flexible.
Most recently, we have had two 5-way challenges going, among myself, oirg, Abstract Actuary, Numbers Nerd and procrastinator. There have also been 2-way matches between me and AA, NN and procrastinator. In addition to those and Klaymen, Been There Done That, Phileas Fogg and jeremiahsjohnson played some, and BTDT still expects to play some future matches.
Recently most of the matches have taken more than 48 hours before all participants have finished.
Skill level? Who knows? NN is ACBL flight A, I’m ACBL flight B, and each of us has won our district’s Grand National Teams flight at least twice. My impression is that procrastinator and NN have the most wins in the group challenges, but oirg and I have some. AA is not as experienced, nor has he played in this group as much. I’m not sure whether he’s won any, but he’s certainly beaten me in some 2-way challenges and finished second in 5-ways.
You do have to put up with the bots’ idiosyncracies, usually a bad thing when they are your partner, especially on defense. Whatever they do for or against you, they will do exactly the same at the other tables, if bidding and play are the same up until that decision.