procrastinator and I tied for first in the declare-only with 57.03%.
AA wins the regular challenge with +17.01, the only person with +imps.
I beat AA by 2. I time out in the middle of the 2-way with procrastinator, and didn’t even start against NN.
declare-only and vs AA reissued. Others likely to be reissued tomorrow evening.
Been remiss about reporting an reissuing.
procrastinator won the declare-only with 57.81%, by 6.25%. oirg won the regular challenge with +17.25, by 13.25.
I beat AA by 20, procrastinator by 13, and lose to NN by 17 (in a match with only 2 non-pushes).
declare-only and vs AA reissued. Others reissued tomorrow, probably
oirg wins the declare-only with 53.91%, by 0.78%. I lose to AA by 3. Both reissued
oirg also wins the regular challenge with +15.50, by 5.75. To be reissued tomorrow, probably
I lose to procrastinator by 15 and to NN by 12. Those two and the regular group challenge reissued
procrastinator wins the declare-only with 58.59%, by 6.25%. I beat AA by 1. Both reissued.
NN wins the regular challenge with 5.00, by 1.25. AA didn’t finish, but based on the scores for the players who did finish (which sum to -18.25, and scores sum to 0 when everyone finishes) there’s a good chance he was ahead.
I had an awful -28.25, including -12 from a bidding misclick on board 1, from which I couldn’t recover (the board would have been completely flat without the misclick), Also including -9.2 on board 10, where oirg had -8.8 for one fewer overtrick. He and I should have been + imps on the board for being in the best spot, except CHO’s defense was terrible (and ridiculous, and absurd).
I lose to procrastinator by 2, somewhat fortunately since in one hand I was in 6 diamonds which needed a miracle (which came home), while he was in 6C, a better contract and made (with an overtrick, but that’s only 1 imp)
Timed out during the match against NN.
Vs procrastinator and regular group reissued. Vs NN to be reissued tomorrow.
I lose to AA by 2, when I have a brain fart and make a Soloway jump shift to 3C over 1D. No, it’s only invitational. AA bids the 75% slam (if played correctly, and he did; down if play spades before hearts), 13 imps away. Reissued
I win the regular challenge with +27.00, by 21.32. I beat procrastinator by 8. Plan to reissue both tonite.
NN wins the declare-only with 57.29%, by 3.08%. I win by 7 vs NN and by 32 vs AA. Declare-only and vs NN reissued. Vs AA to be reissued tomorrow, probably.
If you have any BBO$, you can play 32 boards in the country vs country challenge today, Tuesday and Wednesday (32 boards anytime in the three days). Cost only 10 cents BBO, but if you don’t have BBO$ already minimum purchase is $5 (or maybe $10) plus tax.
oirg wins the regular challenge with +15.82, by +11.81. Reissued
NN wins the declare-only with 61.46%, by 6.25%. I beat NN by 47. Both reissued
I beat AA by 11. Reissued
I win the regular challenge with +26.00, by 12.00. Match against procrastinator timed out during board 3. Both reissued.
procrastinator wins the declare-only with 61.46%, by 5.21%. I beat NN by 17. Both reissued
Ours timed out after about 12 boards for me.
I beat AA 6-1 (only two swings) in the shortened match. I win the regular challenge with +11.34, by 1.35. Both reissued
procrastinator wins the declare-only with 61.46%, by 5.21%. I beat NN by 14 and AA by 4. NN wins the regular challenge with +9.25, by 2.75.
Declare-only and vs AA reissued. Probably the others will get reissued in the next two days.
It’s getting confusing since I think I haven’t announced the start of some contests. But recent scores that I don’t see announced:
I beat AA by 67.
I beat NN by 14.
NN wins the group challenge with +7.00, by 1.75.
NN wins the declare-only with 58.59%, by 2.34%
Today I’m reissuing the group challenge and vs AA. The challenge with procrastinator is already in progress. The other two will likely get reissued tomorrow.
I complete only 4 (maybe only 3) hands vs procrastinator before timing out.
Not sure what happened to the group challenge or vs AA that I intended to reissue two days ago. Suspect I didn’t. Definitely didn’t reissue the two I planned to reissue yesterday. So at this moment, none issued.
But right after posting this, I will reissue regular group challenge and vs AA. Then probably declare-only and vs NN tomorrow. Then likely vs procrastinator Friday. And if you believe I’ll remember to do all that, perhaps I can interest you in a bridge I have for sale.