Bridge: Up for a challenge?

I lose to procrastinator by 3. Reissued

Wouldn’t have made a difference because you crushed me, but in our individual challenge, board 15, I’m confused by how it played out.

I knew I was bidding an aggressive Blackwood. But I had the Q of trump, so I would have thought the highest bid partner could have made was 5H, which I would have passed. Instead partner bid 5S, indicating 2 key cards and the Queen (which he didn’t have!).

That’s actually reasonable, and I suspect some Google sources would confirm. 5S is really “with the queen or extra length”, enough extra length to know that if you’re missing the Q, it will drop if trumps break evenly. Since you splintered, his A10xxxx (with only 5 promised so far) is such extra length.

Win by 52 vs AA, by 5 vs NN. Will be reissued tomorrow.

NN wins the regular challenge with +13.75, by 3.25. That one reissued now.

Yes that’s my understanding. I recall once having the queen of spades in an auction and having my partner show it, so I knew he had at least five trump instead of three or four. But the problem that might cause would never cross my mind.

I win the declare-only with +11.50, by 6.50. Reissued, NN and procrastinator out. Also individual challenges to NN and AA issued.

When I saw his hand, the extra length made sense to me in the moment, it just was the only outcome I didn’t know I needed to be afraid of.

Klaymen wins the declare-only with 57.55%, by 2.34%. Reissued, Jeb_sw and Oirg out.

Lost to procrastinator by 2. Sorry, I’m afraid I failed to complete, maybe even to start, the group challenge and individual challenges against NN and AA. I’m away from home, pretty busy, so won’t reissue those for a few days. Probably some or all of them Wednesday.

Toby & I played four sessions at a small sectional this weekend, placing 4th, 2nd, 1st, and 3rd (all overall) with a 61.3% average. At one point during a session we had a bumpy round and he was annoyed that we had two “cold zeroes”. He can be a bit pessimistic as those cold zeroes were actually 40% and 50%. :joy:

In our head to head match that you didn’t play, this was hand 15 bidding. Unfavorable vulnerability.


CHO’s first double meant: Takeout double - 3+ clubs, 2- diamonds, 5+ hearts, 3+ spades, 21- HCP, 16-22 total points.

I then responded 3H: 2+ H, 8- total points.

System notes for his next double say: Takeout double - 3+ clubs, 2- diamonds, 5+ hearts, 3+ spades, 21 HCP, 22 total points.

Now, it says takeout double again. But I’ve already responded that hearts is my preference (his opening suit), and indicated I have 8- points. So in that spot, if he has enough for game in hearts, just bid it. I’ve shown I don’t have enough to entertain slam. Why would we want any other contract? So I hoped that he actually wanted a business double. Figured I might be wrong.

I know I have a weak spot with doubles. I want to use them to score points way more than seems to be optimal play. But why would CHO double in that spot. Not sure what scenario, other than a business double.

And maybe it was, we cards that could have set them. We did not set them, so instead gave them a game score, when it clearly would have been better to either bid 4H or pass in his spot.

Furthermore, the opponents had shown weakness. E was a preempt bid, and W had passed twice and had 12- total points. So I thought there was a reasonable chance we could set them.

I had junk. 3 hearts, but only 3 HCP (CK).

CHO had 19 HCP and a strong heart hand, but possibly not 23+ total points in his mind. Probably enough for a 2C opening for me, in which I think we end up at 4H, where we should make.

AA and I tie for first in the declare-only, with 59.38%. Reissued, with Klaymen and procrastinator out. Regular challenge also reissued. I’ll start reissuing 2-ways tomorrow.

NN wins the declare-only with 55.21%, by 2.08%. NN and procrastinator tie for first in the regular challenge with +8.75. Both reissued, oirg and AA out in the declare-only, which is IMPs.

Finished 244/18,612 in the Sunday daylong.

Finished 43/4,928 in the 2-day weekend survivor tournament with a 69.50%
after qualifying with a 63.65% the first day. (the 43rd place only based on the higher score)

Was there a cumulative rank? Usually there is.

I’ve forgotten to play those for several weeks now. My impression is that there is not a cumulative rank for survivor challenges.

Lose to NN by 22. Win by 23 vs AA. Both reissued

See how I do against 20,000 ppl tomorrow…

I beat procrastinator by 34. Reissued