Bridge: 2023 MSC discussion

They are submitted. Even though it’s nearly a landslide for 3H, my second choice would be procrastinator’s 3S. Tempting to move it to my first choice.

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                  A           B        C        D        E        F        G        H        Total
procrastinator    3D      80  5D   70  Dbl  90  2S   100 3C   80  2C   70  3S   90  S10  80  660  
oirg              3D      80  3C   100 1N   100 2H   80  3C   80  1S   100 3H   100 S10  80  720  
SW                3D      80  3D   50  1N   100 2S   100 2C   100 1S   100 3N   0   D4   100 630  
Klaymen           3D      80  5D   70  Dbl  90  2S   100 3C   80  2C   70  3H   100 S10  80  670  
ST                3N      100 3C   100 1N   100 Dbl  70  2C   100 1C   90  3H   100 S10  80  740  
BTDT              3D      80  P    0   Dbl  90  2S   100 2C   100 1S   100 3H   100 D8   100 670  
NN                3D      80  3C   100 1N   100 P    60  2C   100 1S   100 3H   100 D4   100 740  
veni vidi vici                                                                                    
Submitted         3D      80  3C   100 1N   100 2S   100 2C   100 1S   100 3H   100 S10  80  760  

                  3N      100 3C   100 1N   100 2S   100 2C   100 1S   100 3H   100 D4   100   
                  3D      80  5D   70  Dbl  90  2H   80  3C   80  1C   90  3S   90  D8   100      
                              3D   50           Dbl  70           2C   70  3N   0   S10  80       
                              P    0            P    60                                           

The power of consensus. Our Submitted 760 tied for 27-44 on the honor roll, but the best individual scores (ST and NN) would have barely missed it.

A) 3H. Not forward going, but maybe I can limit their ability to invite game.
B) 3H. Preempt to the LAW level.
C) 4S. 4D if it would be a fit-showing jump. Maybe I’ll get to bid diamonds later. I’m thinking this auction is not over!
D) Pass. Partner is showing a weak hand with long hearts, so wtp?
E) 2H. I just always raise with support. Curious if any experts choose 1 forcing notrump. Not 1S.
F) 2H. Tempting to pass, but I have a decent hand.
G) c4. A point short in my book, but this is consistent with weaker opening bids.
H) S2. DQ tempting at IMPs, but puts all your eggs in one basket at matchpoints.

A) 3H. I don’t like it but I don’t know what else to bid, maybe 3D. It’s unlikely but we could make game if partner has the right max.
B) 3H
C) 3D. We very well might not even take a spade trick on lead. I’m willing outbid the opponents in spades later.
D) Pass. The point of the problem might be, maybe at this point 6-2 diamonds is better than 6-1 hearts.
E) 1NT. I like to play constructive raises. 1S probably should be two hearts 99% of the time.
F) 1NT. I hate unnecessarily raising on three trump more than I hate having a doubleton and bidding NT.
G) B. With no spot cards this 16 is too weak for a reverse.
H) Ad, my best chance to set this is to find partner with Jxxxx of diamonds

A. 3 hearts.
B. 4 hearts.
C. 5 spades. The fact that I am not sure if I want them to double or bid on implies this is the right level to bid to for me.
D. Pass. I must be missing something, this seems exceedingly obvious to me.
E. 1NT. I think BWS is constructive raises? Don’t see why I would introduce this spade suit.
F. 2 hearts. With this maximum, want to make the more encouraging move. If the diamond king was the jack, might bid 1NT.
G. C4. I have tried 1S before, considered that as well.
H. Diamond queen. Going for the newspapers.

A) 3H
B) Pass
C) 4S
D) 3C
E) 2H
F) Pass
G) (c3)
H) Heart 4

may guesses:

A. 2S
B. 3H
C. 4S
D. pass
E. 2H
F. 2H
G. 1 club
H. spade 9

For G, c4, 1C-2D

On H, by e-mail BTDT had a preference for a diamond over a spade, though he would have preferred the A to the Q.

                  A           B        C        D        E        F        G        H        Total
procrastinator    3H      100 4H   90  5S   20  P    100 1NT  100 2H   100 C4   100 DQ   90  700  
oirg              2S      0   3H   100 4S   80  P    100 2H   60  2H   100 C4   100 S9   10  550  
SW                3H      100 3H   100 3D   70  P    100 1NT  100 1NT  70  B    70  DQ   90  700  
Klaymen           3H      100 3H   100 3D   70  P    100 1NT  100 1NT  70  B    70  DA   100 710  
ST                3H      100 3H   100 4D   100 P    100 1NT  100 2H   100 C4   100 S9   10  710  
BTDT              3H      100 P    70  4S   80  3C   60  2H   60  P    60  C4   100 H4   50  580  
NN                3H      100 3H   100 4S   80  P    100 2H   60  2H   100 C4   100 S2   60  700  
veni vidi vici                                                                                    
Submitted         3H      100 3H   100 4S   80  P    100 1NT  100 2H   100 C4   100 DQ   90  770  

                  3H      100 3H   100 4D   100 P    100 1NT  100 2H   100 C4   100 DA   100   
                  2S      0   4H   90  4S   80  3C   60  2H   60  1NT  70  B    70  DQ   90       
                              P    70  3D   70                    P    60           S2   60       
                                       5S   20                                      H4   50       
                                                                                    S9   10       

The power of Consensus: Our Submitted votes tied for 6 thru 9 in the honor roll. As Individuals, only SweetTooth and Laymen would have made it, tied for 51-57.

It looks like I was wrong. I just got the hands today. My guess is that they are for 2025 contests (and oddly, I guess July, August and October contests).

I will start new threads for 202507 discussion, 202508 discussion and 202510 discussion, so that they are kept separate. Since the questions are copyrighted and haven’t been published yet, I don’t want to put them in a public post. I will send e-mails or GoA private messages to the people who have voted on at least one set of 2023 problems, but it is not intended to be exclusive. If anyone else wants to vote on them, let me know. I won’t get more than 202507 done today, others coming soon.

My June answers:

I am VERY glad we are not panelists, since on some of them I don’t like my choice at all.

A. 5C. Reasonable shot. Spade A is likely onside, if partner doesn’t have it.
B. 1N. Too much to pass. Raise on doubleton conceivable but poor. At least with our values we’ll have tricks after they take their clubs. (Second choice 2H)
C. 2D. Again, too much to pass. At least we have a respectable diamond suit. (Second choice pass)
D. 3H. Once again, too much to pass, and trumps a bit short for a raise. Still with such good trumps raise seems to be least of evils. (Distant second choice 3D)
E. 4S. Finally one where I don’t hate my choice. Doesn’t mean I like my choice, since we could have a club slam.
F. 3S. Pass might be right, but this is a forcing auction
G. 1D. Since matchpoints, this makes it easy to find a 4-4 major suit fit if we have one. 1NT is a bit of an underbid with two 10’s accompanied by higher honors.
H. Spade 8.Maybe I can get a ruff. Partner can’t be counting on me for the heart ace.

June guesses:

A. 3D
B. 1S
C. 2D
D. 3D
E. 4D
F. 3S
G. 1N
H. spade 8

A. 5C
B. 1N
C. 2H
D. 3D
E. 4D
F. Pass.
G. 1D
H. hA (s8 second choice)

                       A     B     C     D     E     F       G     H
oirg                  3D    1S    2D    3D    4D    3S      1N    S8
SW                    5C    1N    2D    3H    4S    3S      1D    S8
Klaymen               5C    1N    2H    3D    4D     P      1D    HA
veni vidi vici                                                      


3 voters so far. No problem where 3 agree. At least we do have 2 in agreement on each. I must submit by Sunday.

A. 3 Hearts. Sitting for 3NT, though could definitely be wrong.
B. 1NT, with inflation, I assume Txx is a stopper now.
C. 2 diamonds. A bit worried pd will pass with 4126 or similar, so perhaps I should bid 2H, but worried pd will expect more club support for that.
D. Can I abstain? I forgot to make the call that described my hand last round, so there is no bid that shows it now…I guess pass.
E. 4 spades.
F. Pass. With good hearts and taking ruffs in pds hand, hearts seems better than spades. I would have passed 1S.
G. 1NT. Might be tempted to open 1C with xx AKx in the minors, especially at MPs to find the majors, but with actual hand, will just bid a boring 1NT.
H. Jack of clubs, with very low certainty.

                       A     B     C     D     E     F       G     H
procrastinator        3H    1N    2D     P    4S     P      1N    CJ
oirg                  3D    1S    2D    3D    4D    3S      1N    S8
SW                    5C    1N    2D    3H    4S    3S      1D    S8
Klaymen               5C    1N    2H    3D    4D     P      1D    HA
veni vidi vici                                                      

Leading                     1N    2D                                

Now with a leading choice (needs a minimum of 3 votes) on 2 questions.