Biden's first press conference

Conveniently we have a former prosecutor as VP

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So what are you recommending?

Maybe you’re thinking that Kamala Harris should start the A25 process. If not, maybe you can supply your preferred alternative.

Oh now you’ve done it…

We gonna revive these jokes now?

Also forgetting a name compared to having a mental block on the name are not the same thing.

Sometimes when I am talking about something, I will be strangely unable to say a particular name. It’s not that i have forgotten it.

I think this is a silly thing to use as evidence for or against biden having cognitive decline. The post im replying to was not doing that, but others seem to be.

Frankly it’s probably not a bad idea to have cognitive tests for presidents, especially as they are getting much older.

But trying to draw conclusions from this is silly.


I think back then there were fewer other ways for the press to get information. Now we have electronic press releases, government websites, all sorts of other venues.

Also, speaking as someone who struggles to remember names, and has since I was six, I’m not too worried about that. If his actions get incoherent I’ll worry. But right now i feel like i see news about what he’s up to nearly every day. Some cabinet appointment, a new deal with vaccine manufacturers, a legislative agenda. If all he’s doing is appointing competent people to do stuff, well, that’s what good CEOs do.

I don’t think Biden is exhibiting cognitive decline based on what we have seen. I do wonder if his accurate command of the facts is robust enough to allow him to handle an informed questioner in a open press conference. Consider his claim of where indexing the minimum wage at 7.25 in 2009 by inflation would be today. He claimed $20. It is actually closer to $9.
Now I don’t think it an essential characteristic of the presidency to have a rock solid command of a moderate level of detail in policy discussions, but it certainly would be a good thing.

Was that something he brought up or something he said in response to a question he was unprepared for?

The former would be much more troubling than the latter imo.


You forgot to put “imo” imo

I also wish we had elected actu-nerd, elizabeth warren.

I dont think we really have a president in the traditional sense.

The D party won power, and the party is using a group think method to rule currently. They had to put a name on the line that says ‘potus’ so they just write in Biden as a placeholder. I dont think Biden himself has a lot if influence over the white house or the party.

None of this is bad, imo. Every day Biden doesn’t do something insane seems like another step in the right direction.

I think we are seeing a massive shift in power from POTUS->congress. Which happens sometimes and the balance sways back and forth through the generations.

What good does Biden facing the press do? prove the R’s wrong? dont play that game.

The power has swung back to Congress before? I think it has been pretty one way since WW1.

its a pretty interesting topic to study. It is far from one sided.

So she doesnt talk out of her ass when she doesnt have an answer on the spot and that is somehow a negative trait in your mind?

She also, I’m guessing, doesn’t spend 80% of the press conference metaphorically rimming Biden’s ass, as was a requirement in the previous administration. No one is being called “fake news” then getting ignored.

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Where are you seeing this massive power shift?

I’m seeing a good amount of executive power being exercised…

From WH text:

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Good evening. You’re proposing a $15 minimum wage. Given the lower cost of living, specifically in the Midwest, many business owners are concerned that this will put them out of business, forcing them to downsize or cut benefits. How can you instill confidence in small businesses that this will benefit the Midwest business growth?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, first of all, the South is not much different than the Midwest in that regard as well. But here’s the thing: If you look back over the last 40 years, as minimum wages increased, people haven’t — the end — the end result of net employment hasn’t changed. The vast majority of economists — and there are studies that show that by increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour, it could have an impact on — on a number of businesses, but it would be de minimis, et cetera.

Here’s the deal: It’s about doing it gradually. We’re at $7.25 an hour. No one should work 40 hours a week and live in poverty. No one should work 40 hours a week and live in poverty. (Applause.) But it’s totally legitimate for small-business owners to be concerned about how that changes. For example, if it went — if we gradually increased it — when we indexed it at $7.20, if we kept it indexed by — to inflation, people would be making 20 bucks an hour right now. That’s what it would be.

And that was fact-checked to be incorrect.
I’m guessing he didn’t do his own math, so some idiot on his staff pulled it out of his/her ass or did the math wrong.
Now, let’s see if he doubles down on his mistake and starts flaming fact-checkers via twitter.

It’s like having W all over again…