Biden's first press conference

Yeah, I don’t really see the big deal here either. To me, he’s mostly been going about the job and setting up his administration. It’s not sexy work, but I can’t say he seems to be failing at it, despite a couple of proposals of his that I don’t like.

It sounds good in theory but in practice the PM either doesn’t answer the question or lies if it comes from opposition parties or tells us how great he is in answer to rehearsed questions from his own party.

You have your press person deal with the press, your military person deal with the military, your science person deal with science issues, etc.

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yep, and jen does a good job. we don’t need the big guy in charge.


giphy (11)

Interesting - I’ve loved her press briefings (including the fact there are actually briefings.) The primary criticisms I’ve heard are her use of “circle back” and “I have nothing else”… I wonder, what else is bad about her?

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That’s a good thing, because I’m starting to be more and more convinced he’s not.

His speech was good, I think you’re a bit hellbent on being cynical.

July 4th: independence from COVID day

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…I’ll have to circle back to you on that…

I honestly hope I’m wrong here.

But his speech was telepromted. The man has always been a gaffe machine speaking off the cuff. It just seems worse now and not allowing Q&A sessions doesn’t help alleviate the concern.

That all seems rather immaterial though, no? If we can beat expectations on opening up the country via vaccinations would that progress be offset if he misremembers as many as three peoples’ names at various points?

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yeah, he’s not amazing at that. i get scared for him at times.

yeah, at this point, i flat out don’t care if biden is a good speaker if he pulls through on this july 4th independent from covid day.

It seems rather important to you that he make gaffes.

Aren’t almost all presidential speeches teleprompted?

Obviously Biden is not as good a speaker as his former “boss,” but how many people are, really? Biden’s immediate predecessor struggled to speak in coherent sentences.


The names of 3 people and a building aren’t all that material. If the “committee” running things like the vaccine distribution hits a July 4 “Independence day”, that would be awesome. No one should have a complaint about that. However, Biden’s mental capacity won’t seem immaterial if there’s a 3:00 am wake up call because of some type of military disturbance and hard decisions are required.

:laughing: Heaven forbid I forget a name on a client call or I’m going to have an ABCD complaint against me with fears of dementia

Doesn’t he fight a stutter? I would imagine that, if so, public speaking is quite mentally straining. More so than answering a phone at 3:00AM. I’m not sure that performance in one of those gives a lot of information about the other one.

Yes, Joe has a stutter problem - he made that perfectly clear at the DNC. Makes sense that someone else do the speaking for him at press conferences, and he’ll handle the prepared speeches. Moses was considered to be a great leader despite Aaron speaking for him.

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The Cuban Missile Crisis is my big litmus test for any president.

I think Biden would pass because he listens to good advisors, so I’m not that worried in terms of the final decision. But I would definitely like him to be able to converse lucidly with heads of state.

Last I saw him debate, he seemed okay, but he could decline.

One thing I worry/wonder is how we will prop him up if he starts to decline physically or mentally.

With Trump we all just sort of hoped that there was always an adult in the room watching. With Biden we at least know there is an adult, but it’s not as nice as having a razor sharp president like Obama or Clinton.