Attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband

We can and should have a conversation about the rhetoric and behavior of both side.

Have you already forgotten about the shooting of Steve Scalise at baseball practice?
Are you conveniently forgetting Maxine Water’s call for violence?
Are you neglecting to mention the mostly peaceful riots (those weren’t MAGA Republicans) during the summer of 2020?
Are you purposely ignoring the verbal attacks in restaurants of Sarah Sanders, Stephen Miller, Kirstjen Nielsen and Ted Cruz?
Do you think Kathy Griffin’s photo of her holding a head was artistic?

Yes, I’m going to BOTH SIDES this issue.


Of course you will. Which one of those was responsible for this trend?

What happened around 2016-2017?

This is a problem that is entirely the fault of Trump and the MAGA Republicans who can not distance themselves from him.


Here is another chart that differentiates far left and far right attacks:

Far right up 500% between 2015 and 2019.


There are bad actors on the fringes of both sides, certainly. And you could potentially add the attack on Rand Paul to your list, although that seems to be at least partially motivated by a dispute over yard maintenance.

I think the more interesting thing is the reaction by the other side. There was widespread and bipartisan condemnation of the Scalise shooting. But Christine Pelosi, Paul & Nancy’s daughter, praised the Rand Paul attack. Rand Paul condemned the attack on Paul Pelosi, but also used the occasion to remind everyone of Christine Pelosi’s praise of his attacker. I’m not sure if Trump has weighed in, but Mitch McConnell and Steve Scalise have also condemned the attack on Paul Pelosi.

It’s a bit of a stretch to compare reactions from the offspring of elected officials to those of actual elected officials, but I guess it is not surprising given the obsession with Hunter Biden by Republicans. Rand Paul seems to have lost his sense of decency. The Speaker of the House has had 2 assassination attempts on her life in two years by MAGA Republicans and he can’t STFU about a 5 year dispute with a neighbor that was not even considered a political attack

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I think it was inappropriate of Rand Paul to use this particular occasion to remind people of Christine Pelosi’s comment, but also her comment was pretty bad IMO.

If she’s going to use her platform as SOTH’s daughter (or perhaps it was House Minority Leader’s daughter at that point?) to speak out then I think it’s perfectly fair to heap criticism on her.

Similarly… I don’t think we should be criticizing Barron Trump, but the other Trump kids are fair game.

If we take as a given that the attacker was an unstable person it still leads to (or even reinforces) the conclusion that political rhetoric needs to be dialed way back. While there can be a “both sides” element of truth, Trump and his acolytes far outstrip the level of anything I have heard from the Democrats. Personally, I don’t think But Trump, or conversely But Biden, wins any points in an argument.

He’s also a Canadian, from British Columbia. That aspect getting more mention in Canada than in US.

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yes, you don’t?

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no, but she got death threats from the right and they made it their mission to ruin her career and life and succeeded for a while and she still has ramifications from that. the punishment didn’t fit the so called crime.

oh to clarify, yes it was artistic, but i’m sure she meant it that she wants to see a real severed trump head. she should never have apologized. that she didn’t mean.

also, i’m fine with a severed trump head. fuck trump.

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yeah, that got nasty. it’s similar to how people criticized chelsea clinton, but i think they were nastier to chelsea. minor children who had no choice in being thrown in the spotlight need to be off limits.


That’s interesting, but I disagree with the “single issue” category. That seems like it at least has the potential to be incredibly disingenuous.

For example, you could consider attacks on abortion clinics & workers to be “single issue” but attacks on pro-lifers to be “far left”… or the other way around depending on what you wanted the graph to look like.

What are those single issues???

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Yeah, even adult children who choose to stay out of the spotlight I have some sympathy for.

Tweeting that Rand Paul’s attacker was right to attack him is not “choosing to stay out of the spotlight” though, so zero sympathy for Christine Pelosi. And obviously Trump’s adult children have not chosen to stay out of the spotlight so no sympathy for them either.

I agree that the verbal criticisms of both Chelsea Clinton and Barron Trump were nasty. Somehow the Bush daughters & Obama daughters managed to stay out of the spotlight to a much greater extent than Chelsea Clinton or Barron Trump could. I’m not sure I have an explanation for that.

i thought some nasty racist things were said about the obama daughters, but not positive about that. for the bush daughters, there were some creepy things said about their looks. by “off limits” i mean, don’t comment on how hot they are either, that’s creepy as hell.

oh wait, that was the gore daughters, not the bush daughters. the bush daughters might have been respected.

Agree. No President’s kids will be totally out of the spotlight. But I think there was less vitriol directed Barbara & Jenna & Sasha & Malia’s way than Chelsea or Barron’s.

I’m sure you’re correct that some of the Sasha & Malia verbal attacks were racist. That’s sadly unsurprising.

yeah, the attacks on chelsea were the worst as it was respected comedians making it a sport to mock her and it was just deemed funny.

i think this had to do with the times as well. i don’t think what would fly in the 90’s would now.

I vaguely recall something sort of creepy/sexual being said about the Bush daughters being f—-able or something along those lines. Things may well have been said about both.

Do you have a link? I haven’t really heard about this. Certainly nothing that rises to the level of bombing clinics and the like.


Well there was the assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh.
