Attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband

Jane’s Revenge firebombs pro-life pregnancy center:

serves her right for harassing people about her nonsense.

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More Democrat sponsored domestic terrorism

I doubt they are “Democrat-sponsored” but I’m sure they vote Democratic. There were other incidences involving Jane’s Revenge too… I just picked one.

If you take an honest look at how Jane’s Revenge is treated by Democrat prosecutors, they are Democrat sponsored. Just not officially - which makes the de facto sponsorship deal even sweeter.

Pretty sure there were more MAGA killers in the 2020 protests. At least to the extent we actually know what happened at all.

Here’s an example list:

I’d broadly agree that there are plenty of crazy dangerous liberals. Though I find it frankly surprising that Nancy Pelosi and few others Fox News darlings aren’t dead yet. I think their security must be damn good.


deplorables need to be terrorized

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Thanks. I hadn’t heard of Jane’s revenge. I don’t approve of their tactics.

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This is revealing. It’s what happens when people use Twitter as a news source. Closely related is the crowd of journalists who source stories via Twitter. The later is rampant, and Twitter is heavily slanted towards either personal branding or political axes to grind. Neither is a good place to bump into truth.

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Fair enough… I have not done this.

I’m not sure what you mean by “it”.

Surely Twitter is an acceptable source for learning what people are tweeting?

Christine Pelosi’s entire tweet was “Rand Paul’s neighbor was right.” She has since taken it down, but there are screen shots of it.

Are people’s tweets news?

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So it shouldn’t be seen as a reliable news source, right?

I am not sure it matters even if they are all leftist issues. If the root cause is a type of toxic politics that Trump mainstreamed and people on both sides start to participate in, the root cause is not changed. MAGA Republicans simply will not acknowledge what Trump created. They don’t have a career in politics if they do.

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Agree, but I think it is important to keep pointing out that they are mostly right-wing attacks.

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You’re being terribly naive. When you tell me Someone, like John Mayer or Megan Rapinoe, has tens of thousands of followers, i get it. Now, let’s talk about Christine Pelosi. How many follow her? Whatever the number is, it’s going to have a a significant number of political junkies, most likely perusing something else. (Hint: it rhymes with “op mesearch”)

It’s not really news. I mean, my neighbor two doors down is a rabid MAGA, and the stuff he says and writes are amazing. But who cares? How does that affect me in any fashion. It doesn’t, right. Same for Christine, bless her little heart.


I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here.

Twitter is a reliable source of tweets. In the cases where the tweets ARE the news (as in the case of Christine Pelosi’s tasteless tweet about Rand Paul and numerous idiotic Trump tweets and more) then yes, it’s a reliable source of the tweets (until they are taken down, anyway).

If you want in depth analysis of something, Twitter is not the right medium.