Are you guys still getting haircuts

Nuh uh I have thick, luscious WASPy brown hair

then I wanna see the bird nest that’s on your head after 4 months

I never stopped. Had to reschedule a few times. My hairdresser works out of her house. Clients wait in their vehicles. We wear masks. My last one was before omicron hit hard here and my next will be when it’s on the downhill slide.


It’s incredibly cheap to do yourself. Like sub $25… those with longer hair should have at least one very attentive helper (and be ready to get rid of the hair if you eff it up)

I have an odd head shape and do a skin fade so require crafty hands.

There’s no way I can do the back of my head by myself.

according to my old text messages, my last haircut was 5/8/2021. i could use another one, but gonna put it off for a bit with omicron raging.

Haven’t had a professional haircut for almost 40 years. Started using the clippers in high school and have just done it myself since then.

We still take my son to the barber, though. Or one of those chain places like SportsClips. He doesn’t mind if a chick cuts his hair.

Our lady only allows 1 person in the building at a time and requires people to be vaccinated. Otherwise I’d just be doing my own.

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I didn’t get my hair cut professionally for over a year. I let it go long for maybe 6 months, then I started giving myself haircuts. I’ve been going back to the barbershop for at least the last 6 months. I’ll probably keep going.

in normal times, i usually wait like 8 months between haircuts, so it’s not just because of covid.

my haircut place is too damn expensive to get one more often.

I used to cut my kids’ hair. I can do a very good job of short hair with clippers. I can do a mediocre job of long hair with scissors. My daughter started getting hers cut professionally in middle school, i think. I cut my son’s until he decided to grow it long. I think he is now using my “haircut? What’s that?” method. He has grown a bushy beard, too.

I would not be comfortable cutting my own hair, in any but a very minimal “trim a little off the bottom” way, however. It’s SO much easier when you can see what your are doing and don’t need to reach awkwardly.

The pandemic isn’t the only - maybe not even the main - reason I haven’t gone to get my hair done. I would say it’s mostly because I don’t have a hairdresser right now, with a pinch of laziness and a dash of anxiety getting in the way of getting a new one.

I’ve gotten it done once since moving to the U.S. - the lady was ok but she didn’t have my colors and she wasn’t as good as my previous hairdresser. Then I moved again. I have since tracked down and ordered my own colors and have them on hand in the event that I actually book someone (tried dying it myself once with just okay results).

Anyways, now I have this new problem where my office campus actually has a hair salon - but the campus isn’t close enough to my house to be worth it if I’m not going in. I was pretty close to booking a local Aveda salon but haven’t pulled the trigger on that either.

Here’s the self dye job (and on the same note, there’s another problem, if you can call it that, that my natural hair color has virtually taken over completely and it’s a lot darker than it was when I was highlighting it regularly, so now my color streaks don’t take as easily to the brown… it’s a whole thing):

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My hair is a mop and I have no rhyme or reason to the timing of my haircuts other than looking in the mirror and thinking “Wow this is getting out of control”

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I haven’t had a haircut since last June. I am much more casual since leaving the office. That includes shaggy hair.

Wait, are you saying your photo is actually a picture of you?


I cut my hair for grindr

How much effort do you put into your appearance? Is a pretty good proxy for straight Vs gay.

I’ve a gay acquaintance about my age. I asked him once how he dresses so sharp. He Proceeds to give me tips in some foreign language. Though in fairness his husband dresses as local as I do.

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Well, once things start to become a habit, you stop thinking it’s effort.

  1. Gym (I like to look good. Get depressed if I don’t look good)
  2. Diet (I enjoy food I eat. Stuff like sugar I don’t eat. If you cut out sugar/carb for a while, you get pretty disgusted at the thought of it. Probably like how vegans feel about meat)
  3. Haircut (every other week. I do it out of necessity, like I said, if I don’t get it, I literally get depressed)
  4. Skincare (Rein-A/Tretinoin and sunscreen are all you need.)
  5. Botox (every 4-5 months)
  6. Clothes - Fitted. Nothing too expensive or fancy. If you have a good body it really doesn’t matter what you wear.
  7. Shoes - Must - be - clean. Dirty shoes dampen your look no matter how much you spend on yourself. Use magic eraser to gently wipe your shoes clean before you go out.
  8. Mani-pedi - Used to do it every few months, but haven’t done it for a year or two