Are you guys still getting haircuts

Yes. Went to a place that had the door open about two weeks ago, as I was growing tumbleweeds on my neck.

I usually go with my wife when her cousin does her hair. There is some waiting time during the coloring. But I couldn’t wait.

And that child’s name? Albert Einstein.

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if you do that long enough, do the muscles atrophy, so you don’t have to keep poisoning the nerves?

I don’t think so lol. I’ve only been doing it for a couple years. I imagine if that’s a thing it will be fairly widely known.

  1. Gym: Yep, but because it’s a lifestyle not an appearance thing.
  2. Diet: Weeeelllll…
  3. Hair: Clippers as necessary. 9mm for the top, 7mm for the beard.
  4. Skincare: I wash my face with shampoo when I’m in the shower.
  5. Botox: Nuh-uh.
  6. Clothes: off the rack. Wear them til they get thrown out on me. I don’t think I’ve ever bought anything with the intention that it would match anything else I own.
    7 Shoes, Shoes are categorized by function, one pair per function.
  7. Mani-pedi Not even once, ever.

And I guess it works. I’m not sure how happy my So would be if I was getting manicures. Botox would be a hell-no from them for sure.

Yup, nearly all of this. It helps when you don’t have to impress shallow people with your outward appearance.

so rude!

Well, you get more motivated when there’s sex involved.

I’ll give you that.

Well, it’s not shallow people. I’d like to be attractive for my SO, even if it takes some effort. Everyone else, not so much.

It doesn’t take me much effort to be attractive to my wife. (That’s what I keep telling myself.)

Other people? It takes TOO MUCH effort, so fuck it.



You dating extroverted actuaries??


That is amazing hair. Is that just applied directly to what you had going on prior? Or you did your own foil/bleach/wash/color? It’s been forever since I self-did bleach for streaks in my own hair.

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I got a manicure once. Meh.

You’re agreeing with him, or you’ll give him sex?

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For the first few months of lockdown I didn’t get any haircuts, now get them on a regular basis. Started getting beard trims again post-vax. It’s a one-man shop so I don’t feel like it’s a big risk.

When I got married.

Ty you’re very sweet.

I’ve been adding to this section for years - my original hairdresser basically added color pieces to this section as if they were highlights (so very small sections of hair). She didn’t need to bleach because I was highlighting with bright blonde already.

However, during my most recent professional dye job, the hairdresser bleached out the whole section like a big bleached blob, and put in a pink and blue color that washed out pretty fast (in comparison, the purple I use is so effective that her bleach couldn’t even get it all out - hair turned pink at the ends). Later, I tried to use her pink/blue sections with my purple/teal and that picture was the result.

I’ve an acquaintance that’s gay (is that relevant here?) that has a business that administers botox. The stories are pretty wild.
But the botox stories pale in comparison to the bleaching stories.And that’s all I have to say about that.