Mushrooms in, mushrooms out.
My body doesn’t digest mushrooms. Or almost anything. 3000+ calories/day eaten, still losing weight. In a not-fun way.
Mushrooms in, mushrooms out.
My body doesn’t digest mushrooms. Or almost anything. 3000+ calories/day eaten, still losing weight. In a not-fun way.
We could create a private group here to talk about poop. I’m sure Serena would be happy to do that.
Perhaps I misunderstood the point of this thread. It seemed mostly poop-related.
I meant more the losing weight on 3k calories a day comment.
Trust me, it’s not fun to watch your muscle mass dwindle as you shit whole or vomit almost everything you eat.
that really does suck, I’m sorry.
All good, I know there was no malice. Just tired of spending 3+ hours/day in the bathroom. Thankfully I wake up during the night less frequently now, it was sometimes 2-3x/night for ~30 minutes on the toilet each time.
The only time I ever experienced anything like this for more than 1 night, it turned out I had a bad case of salmonella poisoning. Usually salmonella only lasts a day or 2, but sometimes it can set up shop in your colon and remain there until you get a heavy dose of antibiotics.
It’s just a disease for me. Been trying to manage it for a decade now, it’s genetic and my mother and sister have it. The vomiting is a little unusual, docs haven’t solved it yet. It is what it is.
Sorry man. Having lived that for a few weeks, it sucked.
is it just bad microbes in your intestines?
aren’t there like poop transplants you can do to basically change up the composition of microbes in you
That sucks. I hope you have a good doctor to help you with that. If not, try shopping around.
I had saag paneer which led to very green poop.
No. Essentially my immune system punches little holes in my colon and then I internally bleed. Think Chohn’s if you know anybody with it. Some people have touted fecal transplants as helpful, but it’s experimental and the science is unclear.
Ouch. All auto immune diseases suck, but that one sounds especially unpleasant, day to day.
(My mom nearly died of a different auto immune disease, fwiw, and of course i know several people with type 1 diabetes.)
Currently fighting a battle with chicken strips and pooping them out.
The fecal transplant was more for C. Difficile to help combat the “bad” bacterial with “good” bacteria.
I have a friend with Crohn’s; his mother had it too.
It seems like it could be worth a try. I gather that fecal bacteria interact with our immune system.
I will be paying for this habanero mayo when I poop it out.