Annoyed Thoughts--Other Drivers Edition

It’s hard to imagine a worse idea with respect to road rules… maybe switching the lane directions every few miles or saying that red means go and green means stop.


How about dropping the speed limit to 40… ON AN INTERSTATE

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That would certainly be dumb but I’m going to say that yielding to cars wishing to enter the roundabout is even dumber.

The roundabout can hold a finite number of vehicle-feet. What happens when the vehicle-feet wanting to be in the roundabout exceeds the vehicle-feet the roundabout can handle? You have the very definition of gridlock… except it’s not a grid… roundaboutlock? circlelock?

These words are making me out-and-out.
Perhaps I should spend the day your way…

circle jerks
rounding disfunction

My less than one year old vehicle now has a dent in the driver’s side door from where someone has opened their door into mine.


When our car was new we tried to park as far away from other cars as we could for this very reason.

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Nothing shortens the life of a car like a door dent!

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I did that for a while with my recent car at work, but the lot would get completely full regardless. So the trick is to find a spot that is a good 6 inches wider than the others. Usually it’s on an end, so I’d park as close to the one side as possible, giving my car an extra foot of space. This should lower the P(dent).
And, it still runs great! 23 years!


Failing that, park next to nice cars if possible. We recently went downtown, spots are a little tight. Parked between a Lexus and an Audi, both pretty new.

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Plenty of Dukes of Hazzard - type youtube videos of these.

Wrong Thread. This is “Annoyed Thoughts - Other Drivers Edition“. You’re looking for “Annoyed Thoughts - Other Passengers Edition”.


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around me a lot of people back into spots, which i find annoying and actually slows everything up


But it’s faster when they leave, no?

Had a guy cut me off on the highway close enough that he set off the automated collision warning tone in my car. His car had a bumper sticker “Drive carefully there is no heaven”

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maybe, but the back in is much slower - lining up into the spot, plus blocking off people looking to get out or find their spot - backing out, into a open area, mostly holding up people who want your spot

It’s easier to back into an open aisle than a narrow parking space. In theory it should take more total time to back into the parking space than out of it.

That said, BF likes to back in if he’s driving his truck. He’s never given me a satisfactory answer as to why. That said with the backup camera he’s actually pretty fast backing in. It’s probably pretty close to a wash time-wise.

I am open to the argument it is safer, in that a car pulling out of a parking space in reverse has less vision of oncoming traffic and is more of a surprise to oncoming traffic than a car in traffic coming to a stop and reversing into a spot.

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not with the modern back-up cameras.

I will back in at Stadium parking lots (actually prefer to pull through) because then you have to depend too much on someone being kind to let you out

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Somewhat, but they also enable quicker back in to parking spots.

I do agree that the pull through is the easiest.