I took the highway on Saturday afternoon. Lotsa cars and construction turned a 1 hour trip into darned near 2 hours!!!
And I had to brake hard for some fluffhead who decided to merge in nice and slowly from an on ramp!!!
I took the highway on Saturday afternoon. Lotsa cars and construction turned a 1 hour trip into darned near 2 hours!!!
And I had to brake hard for some fluffhead who decided to merge in nice and slowly from an on ramp!!!
There were a lot of those out in the past few days.
I have a window view onto the street at sbux. In the last half hour or so, I have seen at least 4 drivers make the U-turn around the concrete divider to get into the parking lot.
ETA: +1
ETA 5 minutes later: +1 This isn’t some back country dirt road. It’s a busy fluffin’ road with 2 lanes each way!!!
Wingnut parkers:
I’m in the straight through lane, while wingnut is in the left turn lane. Our light is red, red, REEEEEED, but wingnut goes over the thick, white STOP HERE line and I swear he was rarin’ to make his left into the cross traffic!!!
Car with a driving school sign on top is ever so gingerly parking next to my car in the mall lot. No contact!!
Buddy driving with his back window completely covered in snow.
Went into the big city today. Lots of u-turns and 3-point turns by what looked like Uber/Lyft/Skip/etc drivers. One wingnut was in the left turn lane, but then cut across the straight lane and into the right turn lane.
I’m driving back home with some flurries and the roads are kinda greasy. Wingnut in the opposite lane is trying to get ahead of a couple of cars in order to get into the left turn lane into his neighbourhood. I think this left front bumper was only a foot or so off my door even after swerving to the right in my lane! ******in’ wingnut!!!
Was behind some asshat that was trying to merge onto the freeway going 30mph. I get pissed off when I see that shit, as the dumbass is endangering everyone around doing that.
I’m behind a car with North Carolina plates. They hesitate when the light goes green, but I figure they ain’t from around these here parts, so I cut them a bit of slack. Again, they hesitate at the next light making their right. I make the right behind them. I get into the left turn lane for J Street and wouldn’t ya know it, they slow down in the straight ahead lane and decide they want to go left, cutting me off some.
My daily experiences with NC drivers can confirm this is generally representative of the lot.
I’m making a right out of the Italian bakery parking lot, but I stop 'cuz the roads are a little greasy from the snow. Numbnuts ON THE BICYCLE behind me yells to go.
ETA: As I was making my turn, a swasticar/wankpanzer went by. It had vanity plates too; I couldn’t see what the phrase was, but I didn’t care enough to squint.
I’m at a 4 way stop and there’s 2 cars there.
in a water delivery truck gets to the stop, but just keeps rolling on through before I could go.
3:23 p.m. and gramma and grampa are making the left by the Costco despite the sign that says no lefts between 3 and 8!!! I was in the right lane, so I avoided their bad judgment.
I’m generally a fan of roundabouts/traffic circles. Usually they improve traffic when installed.
A while back they installed 2 mini roundabouts not far from me. They are on a relatively busy 2 lane road where it intersects with lesser traveled neighborhood roads that cross it. They are installed in normal sized intersections for 2 lane roads, so not a lot of space. The circle is tiny, and only slightly raised. Buses and trucks have to drive over the center circle as the turning radius is too tight for them to navigate, essentially turning them into a big speed bump. These roundabouts have been installed more for traffic calming than for traffic flow. They seemed to be working fine for both purposes.
However, here comes the annoyed part: some months or years after they went in some new signage went up. It says to yield to vehicles entering the roundabout. That is completely backwards from the normal rules of the road for roundabouts where traffic entering yields to vehicles in the circle. It has created confusion. They should take those signs down IMO and let them function like every other traffic circle does.
Holy bleep that’s stupid.
Indeed, yes.
I can only imagine.