Annoyed Thoughts--Other Drivers Edition

Lady coming up to a 4way stop slowed to about 35 km/h and just kept going. :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:


Intersection near BF’s is currently closed for several months because they’re replacing a traffic light with a roundabout. :rage:

As if that wasn’t bad enough, for about two months before they closed the intersection they pulled out the light and made it a four way stop. Why anyone thought that was a good idea I couldn’t say. :woman_facepalming:

I was nearly killed by a sports car going about 55 mph through the :stop_sign: on a road with a 30 mph speed limit. I was pretty shaken up afterwards. :grimacing:


That’s about 88.5 kph on a road with a 48.2 kph speed limit for my metric-using friends.

And of course the stop sign had a 0 mph / 0 kph limit.


Most of the traffic light/stop sign replacements with roundabouts have been pretty successful here. I bitched about one that was poorly designed, but in general I am a fan.

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I am admittedly biased, long story.

I’m particularly not a fan of spending a crap ton of tax dollars tearing out a perfectly good traffic light at an intersection where traffic is not especially problematic.

I mean if it’s a new street or something that’s one thing.

And if you’re moving from a traffic light to a roundabout… a two month stretch as a four way stop makes no sense at all. Just leave the light in place until you put in the roundabout.

I’m coming down a large hill slowing down to make a right. Buddy’s been riding my :peach: on the way down, so he goes into the left turn lane and straight on through the interesection. Goodness knows I shouldn’t have impeded his forward momentum.

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Wingnut in a van goes right past the stopped school bus with the stop sign out and lights flashing. Bus driver leaned on the horn and shouted something which I hope was four letterish. :roll_eyes: :unamused:

Jean-Claude van Damme!

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all the buses by us have cameras

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Same here with cameras, and that’s a bad traffic ticket. Big fine, lots of points on your license.

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