Annoyed Thoughts--Other Drivers Edition

Drove on the highway yesterday:

Motorcyclists weaving in and out of lanes and straddling the dotted lines
People trying to get into lanes at the last microsecond
Truck and a sports car racing and weaving in and out of lanes

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I didn’t know you were visiting Los Angeles. We should do an AO meetup with DTNF

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driving through the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, in front of me is a 18’ rental truck.

first annoyance is he changed lanes in front of me right before entering. might have been a blessing though.

He seems uncomfortable driving this vehicle and is going rather slow.

Three cars behind me change lanes, ( in a tunnel, illegal where i live) to pass him.

He keeps drifting into the other lane, obviously scared of the wall. I slow to a crawl, well behind what i fear may happen.

first two cars pass. The 3rd is a large pick-up and he is determined to get past. Seriously a mile at 30mph instead of 60 will ruin his day.

My following distance increases greatly.

The rental is basically down the middle line, but the pick- up keeps creeping close, for when the rental drifts back into its own lane.

It finally sees an opening, shoots forward and makes it past, but he clearly bounces off the curb (that keeps you from hitting the wall).

He got his 30 seconds and neither he nor anyone else died. What a hero.

oh, and about a 1/2 mile down the road, the pickup is pulled over on the shoulder.

maybe this should go in the Darwin awards


I’m in the right lane on the highway. Some wingnut in a van is speeding up to change lanes and gets to within a foot of my left rear bumper. I look over and see wingnut swerve out to the left lane. :grimacing: :face_with_peeking_eye:

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I’m stopped at the light heading southbound. Wingnut heading north makes a left - INTO THE 4 LANE ONE WAY EASTBOUND SO HE COULD MAKE A U-TURN BACK INTO THE SOUTHBOUND LANE!!! :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

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A roundabout is not, I repeat, NOT a zipper merge!!!

I applaud embracing the zipper merge, but there’s a time and place for it and that does not include roundabouts!!!


I don’t understand the thought process behind drivers who don’t use turn signals. Is the 0.01 calories required to flick your finger too much to spend? And is it not easier to automatically use them in all situations than to make a choice about sometimes signaling and sometimes not? (Last assumes that they do sometimes signal, but I’m assuming that people do if they need someone else to let them in or otherwise do them a favor. Or if they are in front of a cop.)

Maybe it’s a Tesla and turn signals are on some sub-menu of the screen?
Nah, nearly every type of driver and drivers of types of cars are in this cult.

I know of people who don’t use signals because every time they do, the car slightly behind in that lane speeds up. “On purpose! To fuck with me! Why oh why am I persecuted??”
My philosophy on that is that if they speed up, there will be room behind them, unless it’s turtles all the way back.

I use signals 99% of the time (the 1% is when no one is around), since I took a Bus Driver Test long time ago, and it is a huge mark against for failing to signal, and you as a bus driver want others to know when you are changing lanes. (Fun fact: Not stopping at a railroad crossing is an automatic fail). Also, I tend to activate my turn signal quite early.

The turn signal is one of the red flags in my car-buying decision. I’ve driven my mother’s Ford (2012, I think), and it sucks complete balls, both at the same time, if you can imagine the image. Hit it up lightly to change lanes, and some engineer has decided just how long you (and everyone) want to keep it on for a lane change, oh and the turn signal arm goes back to the neutral state. Hit it up a little higher for a turn, and the signal will stay lit.
Long time ago, my father bought a K-car. After three years, the turn signal arm broke off, as it took too much force to put it into the turn-signal mode. Excessive pressure eroded it. The added pressure to use it could also make some drivers stop using it.

Sometimes at night, I will not use my right turn signal because the right side camera initiates and produces blinding light on the screen.

And I am not a fan of school busses stopping at every railroad crossing. All crossings are not equal. I maintain that it can be more dangerous for a bus to completely stop, then take 7 seconds to cross the tracks, vs. driving across when the gate is up. The safe move is to never cross the tracks.

Where I grew up, the train went 5-10 mph. Having to come to a complete stop just to determine if a train was crossing or not was a bit ridiculous.

I’m navigating in a narrow parking lot. Buddy reverses out of his spot and woulda T-boned me if he kept going!! I was a bit distracted too, so I won’t assign 100% of the blame to him.

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More reasons not for me to get a new car. I use these things called my side mirrors and my eyeballs.

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I’m so used to using by turn signals that I find myself using them on a area where the road makes a 4 alternating 90 degree right then left turns. I’m sure the people that see me are probably wondering where else I think i could be going. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it is a federal law that all busses must stop at every railroad crossing.

I mean, I have a 2023 & I don’t have this issue.

But also, if your car runs fine, no need to get a new one just because.

I am slowly going down the lane at a mall when I see an SUV backing out of a handicapped parking space. Naturally, the driver is looking in the driver side mirror and not in my direction. Soowahv and deboner fella that I am, I stopped and when the driver saw me, I waved her through.

There’s a pill for that.

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I could stand to lose about 5 kgs.

i approached a 4 way stop just after another driver. Of course, I was going to yield the right of way, but buddy just slowed down a bit to make a U-turn. :roll_eyes:

I’m stopped at a red light to make a right turn westbound, with buddy opposite me making a left turn to get to the same westbound lane. When the light turns green, I start my turn, but :peach: :tophat: immediately makes his turn cutting me off!!