Annoyed Thoughts--Other Drivers Edition

I’m on a back road to get to sbux when I look down the road to where I know for a fact there is a stop sign. Buddy does a weensy slow down and then zooms around the corner. :roll_eyes:

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Reminds me of this video…Why this British crossroads was so dangerous - YouTube only need to watch about 15s . “I think I spotted the problem.” I said at the time.

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Buddy’s road met my road at 90 fluffin’ degrees and the continuing road is slightly offset (:toth: for the video!!). I was a good ways away, so it was easy to see what the MORAAN was doing. :roll_eyes:

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Two cyclists have died at the intersection and they still don’t want to spend the £100K. Life is cheap in the UK.

Well, according to the YT vid description, they have fixed it.

…so there’s that.

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I took our Easter basket to church to get blessed. I got there just as a Mass was letting out. :grimacing: :face_with_peeking_eye:

Were you annoyedly late because of other drivers?

Nope, just annoyed by having to navigate through the crowd. :see_no_evil:

:man_facepalming: :grimacing:

This is SOP in TX.

It’s for this once-in-10-years situation that all those city slickers bought trucks.

Well, this and a Last Of Us type get-out-of-an-infected-city scenario.

This is waaaaaaay past annoying:

My gf and I are driving on a 2 lane road, but each lane is fairly wide. I’m eastbound and coming up to a bend northbound. All of a sudden I see a fluffin’ blur in my rear view mirror: some wingnut and his wingnuttier friend are going about 20 km/h over the limit and pass me on the right!!! Wingnut #1 cuts across my front, fishtails into the opposite lane, bumps the fluffin’ curb and then fishtails back into my lane and just about mounts the curb!!! Of course, I slow right the fluff down and let these maroons (they have to work their way UP to moron :angry:) go on down the road. We saw them pull into a gas station parking lot up the road.

It would not surprise me if they were doing something stupid, like filming themselves for Tik Tok or some stupid bullshit like that!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Some fluffhead in a Hyundai Ioniq waited until the last microsecond to merge back into traffic from an offramp to another highway, cutting off the car in front of me. About a minute later, he goes into the on-ramp from another road to get back into the highway lane again, cutting off a different car!!! Stoopid fluffhead!!! :angry:

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Isn’t that like only 3 mph? I can walk that fast.


It was hella fast!!! :scream: :scream: :scream:


A 5k is about 3 miles so…

Driving on the highway to work today which I rarely do. A couple vehicles in front of me change lanes to pass a slower truck. I have plenty of room to do the same so I signal and move left. The next car is several carlengths back but the next thing I know he is RIGHT behind me and I have nowhere to go. (We were moving a bit over the speed limit but obviously I couldn’t go faster than the 2 vehicles in front of me.)

I did the only thing I could do, which was to wait to get around the truck and move back to the right. When the tailgating car passes me I confirm it’s a police car for a neighboring suburb. (I had suspected as much but he didn’t have lights on top.)

And they wonder why … oh nevermind.

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Try telling this to the kind officer:
(It’s supposed to start at t=16 but doesn’t appear to be doing that.)

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I’m in the middle lane of the highway when I spot a fluffhead in a Tesla in the right lane go into the onramp to move ahead a few cars. He did this at least twice, but I ended up passing him each time. The capper was pulling off at my exit and seeing him behind me!!! :laughing: