Alyssa's FAQ

Those of you that follow me on LinkedIn may have seen already, but there is a decent chance my relationship with my mom ended this weekend, and I’m not really dealing with it well.


I’m very sorry to hear that.

because you’re trans? wow, that’s really sad.

Sorry to hear that.

Yes. Specifically, because I asked them to use the right pronouns and to not call me my kid’s father, so I got a torrent of verbal abuse thrown at me until we all left without dinner. It was a real mask off situation and I don’t know how I can move forward from here with her.

It might help if your kid(s) talk to her instead.
But even if it doesn’t work out, you don’t owe her anything. Your mental wellbeing is more important.


Aw shit, that’s awful.

Not that it makes things better, but sometimes it’s just easier to give up on the older generation.

That’s what I intend to do with the rest of my relatives.

Surgery is starting to become very real. 22 days to go, and all the related appointments on the calendar now (Thursday is the urologist meeting, next Friday is the physical/EKG, the following Sunday is COVID test, then Tuesday the 28th is the day. I have a hotel room in downtown Boston for the night before, because I have to be at the hospital at 6am the day of.

No update on the Mom situation. I’ve not talked to her since. I’ll probably send a message in a week or two.


Before you do that maybe consider: is the result of that message likely to alleviate your stress pre-surgery or exacerbate it? Nothing wrong with putting yourself first for the next few weeks. And then until the recovery is further along because productive conversations when you are in pain are unlikely.


That’s a very fair point. But right now, I’ve pretty much accepted the relationship is probably over. My plan was to send a message explaining (nicely) the boundaries I’d be setting if we were going to continue to see each other, and if she doesn’t want to do it, then whatever. But maybe it’s worth waiting until mid-March when I’m on the mend.


Youre going to be out of commission during maple syrup season? Gonna have to start scheduling around these things if youre coming north.

Anyway ive stopped googling your acronyms so i dont know what youre getting done, but sure hope that the results make you happy and solid.

GCS is gender confirmation surgery (it’s in the first post!). In my case, a vulvoplasty, urethromeatoplasty, clitoroplasty, and amputation of the penis.

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Another hurdle cleared today – insurance pre-authorization was approved.

Just the EKG/physical on Friday and the COVID test next Sunday to go!


Get some strong drugs! If there’s ever a time…

I’m told by the doctor that it won’t be painful, just some discomfort. I am highly sceptical and confirmed there will be some oxycodone available (I still have the ones from my breast augmentation, because I didn’t need it).


I can’t imagine it not being painful.

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Me either.

Physical went well — if I manage to avoid COVID until next Sunday, it’ll actually happen!!


Well, nothing else planned at all other than the COVID test between now and Monday night when my wife and I are staying in a hotel in Boston near the hospital and someone else is staying with the kids. My anxiety is through the roof and I’m not really sleeping much, but it’s only 3.5 days away unless there is a surprise COVID positive.

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