Alyssa's FAQ

Not sure if this is one of the webinars that Lucy is thinking of, but The Actuary and Social Justice session from the 2020 CAS Annual Meeting is really good and is available at the bottom of this page.

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Wait, this person is actually employed as an actuary? Fairly certain that my company as well as many other companies would have a big problem with an actuary employed by them who was a vocal bigot like that.

He runs his own consulting firm I believe.

Is the CAS aware of his website?

Oh hell yes!

There seem to be three of them running the thing, and they have sent email to every CAS member several times, now.

But i think the other two are retired.

Perhaps a reef invasion is in order? :joy:

Doesnt look like they allow you to post there unless you’re a member of the cas. I’m curious to read it though to see just how many cas members are bigots. Are people posting with their real names or something? How do they verify that someone is a legit cas member?

Yeah it would take strategic planning for sure.

Probably not worth the effort. Although I hope someone is keeping an eye on these fuckwits should stuff become a legit threat to someone.

To elaborate, they claim that they asked to meet with the CAS, and the CAS cancelled on them on short notice. And they mailed every member the document they wanted to discuss with the CAS along with this claim, saying, “look how horrible the CAS is.”

If their story is basically true, i suspect that the CAS initially agreed to meet with them, but someone read the document shortly before the meeting, and that’s why the CAS backed out. It was horrendous, and it was clear from reading it that nothing productive would come from a meeting.

The CAS is generally happy to meet with members. I’ve written letters to the CAS about policy, and that’s often turned into a chat with the relevant VP or something. It’s not that large an organization, and I’m sure that if i was concerned enough i could get a chat with the CEO. But not if i sent them that kind of bigoted rant.

I think that letter was the one that opened by saying the CAS should stick to its knitting and avoid politics, and then somehow turned to a discussion of US incarceration rates by race, something that was completely irrelevant to the topic. It was really bad.

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I wonder how many “members” they have on their website. Can’t be much.

It used to be publicly viewable. And anyone could comment. I suppose they were overwhelmed with negative comments and that’s why they locked it. Certainly, the one time i looked at it, there were a ton of negative comments. I think they ask you to register using the email address you use for the CAS. I felt dirty even giving them web-views. I haven’t registered.

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Given a comment in a recent email, I believe all of them have been reported multiple times to the ABCD and CAS disciplinary committee, but that process is slow.

What are the names of these people? Curious if it is anyone I know from the ao. I assume it likely is not.

I’d also assume using the cas name to promote hate is a good reason to kick them out of the cas.

Bob Daino and Ira Robbin are 2.I can’t recall the third right now.

Yeah dont know them

@Mountainhawk Do I remember you were into D&D or am I mistaking you with somebody else? There is a series I could recommend to you, it’s a full party of women PCs and one is transgender. It’s not one of those like 100-episode series, it’s maybe 12 3-4 hour sessions or so.

I felt bad for a while because she’s probably my second-least-favorite, but nonetheless she’s good, has her moments, and everybody treats her with respect. Might be fun for you to see a positive representation. Will share if you want.

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I do board gaming, but I’ve never gotten into D&D.

And one of his most vocal supporters used to be my boss at Zurich NA.

and zurich was cool with this? i’m fairly certain my company would have a big problem with an employee who was a vocal bigot.

That was a decade ago when I worked there, long before this whole “save the CAS” thing started.

He is at CNA now ( I think,)
Not sure how they are dealing with him