Advice needed. Best Halloween candy


A total waste of perfectly good chocolate. :cry:

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Mr. NA likes all the garbage candy. Dark chocolate, mounds, almond joys, whoppers, etc.

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Need the :shake: emoji.

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The stores also have 100 packs on the shelf too!!! :drooling_face: :yum: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Over the years, we have averaged very clos to 0 kids per year. Going to be out of town this year.

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I just bought a bag of smarties for the kids. And another bag for me. :wink:

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Everyone with Smarties can participate in a game we started in college.

See how many Smarties you can stack into a single tower. Posts pics, and winner (most smarties) gets $10.31 GoA bucks.

I was struggling with picturing how one could do that…when I realized you were probably using American Smarties, rather than Canadian Smarties.

Someone needs to change the name of their candy.

Wait, America doesn’t have chocolate smarties? Just that chalky garbage? Makes freezing 6 months a year worth it imo.

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Sampled a Kit Kat. Now down to 47. :yum:

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:notes: There were eighty-seven smarties in the bottle now there’s thirty left
I ate forty-seven so what happened to the other ten?
Why do you suspiciously change the subject and break my concentration
While I dump the bottle out and I count the smarties up again?

I still want a Mounds bar, but once I breach that bag, it’s all over.


46: had to sample a Coffee Crisp. :yum:

Mounds is dark chocolate, right?

Almond Joy is milk chocolate with an almond…

Therefore A.J. >> Mounds because Milk chocolate > dark chocolate and nuts > no nuts.

I never knew that…the chocolate vs dark chocolate thing…but the internet agrees with you.

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We are finally going to be ‘that house’ on the block giving out full-size candy bars. Costco had two different assorted 30-packs, and we got one of each, so we have something like 8 different options.


i’m gonna be the old lady who hates kids and is giving out nothing. maybe next year kids will learn to be quiet and not annoy me.

actually, i don’t think my building does halloween with covid. isn’t it a covid risk?

I’ve sampled a little more; I figure there’s about 40 left. :yum: