Advice needed. Best Halloween candy

We probably have 30 bags of candy.

ETA: 35 bags of candy.

We did that last year, but this year they only had one option and it sucked. :confused:

Still haven’t bought Halloween candy for this year, but it’s on my to-do list.

Moreso in an apartment building than outside.

But if they’re kids who live in the building then you’re already getting some exposure to them via the lobby & elevator & other common areas, if there are any. Opening your door long enough for them to say “trick or treat” and have you give them candy probably doesn’t increase the risk too materially.

yeah but i hate the kids in the building, so why would i want to give them candy? :confused:

also, i think it’s more of a covid risk to open your door to them and to have them running in the hallways with their annoying squealing voices and thus interacting with each other. i don’t see how it wouldn’t be a covid risk. thus, i don’t think we do halloween since covid. they don’t just walk calmly in the hallway, they run and scream and spread covid.

Does your building management have something set up in the lobby for the little “dears”?

pre-covid, they had a sign up sheet if you were going to participate in halloween, and the little monsters would go to those apartments. often they just left their candy outside the door for them to take. last year we didn’t have it. right now i’m not home, i’ve been at my parents house for a few weeks, but i’m on the email distribution list, and didn’t get an email about it, so i’m guessing we’re not doing it again this year due to covid.

This whole changing avatars for Halloween thing is very confusing.


The risk is pretty small from an encounter of such a limited duration. They say you haven’t had an exposure unless you were around a Covid-positive person for 15 minutes. Most trick-or-treat encounters would be under a single minute.

That said, if you don’t like the kids in your building I don’t think you need to do anything. I wasn’t weighing in on that. Just the Covid risk piece.

ETA: Oh, and obviously if they’re not doing it then there’s nothing to do.

Because it endears you to their parents? And it’s fun making kids happy.
Protip, have coolers to give out to the parents.

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i have to deal with enough noise from my neighbors between their kids screaming and them doing never ending construction. i’m not participating in halloween which produces even more noise. my neighbors don’t seem to care about my happiness, so i don’t care about theirs either.

So we bought all the Halloween candy at the bulk store this weekend, now I have to not eat it this week…


I can’t seem to find candy corn.

I snuck a half a candy bar at lunch today. SO complains for five minutes about don’t start that, they’re not for us, etc, then proceeds to eat the other half.
Yes, don’t worry, I mentioned their inconsistency.


None of the bags are open yet, my hope is if they can all stay closed I’ll be ok. I may also just get an extra bag for office snacks during the week.

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one of the houses a few doors down from my parents house has a huge halloween display, with animated dead people in a graveyard with music and goulish sounds. people are coming up in their cars to see it.

whatever candy they have on halloween can only be a disappointment compared to their display.

I’m so glad my parents do not live next door to these people or near the people a few blocks down where they had a dude sitting in the middle of the street with a projector aimed at his garage showing some video with really loud music playing that i could hear from a block away.

the display on my parents street is cute, as long as you don’t live next door. the one a few blocks away was obnoxious.

So a coworker had us try this, and it works pretty well. If you eat peanuts with candy corn (I can’t remember the ratio, but it’s probably 3-4 halves per piece of candy corn), it tastes like a Payday bar.

Definitely. It’s delicious. I go for a roughly 50-50 mix.

I might be down to 35ish… :elephant:

I’ve never heard of this but I can sort of imagine it… going to have to try this.

I tried the Take 5 today based on the suggestions in this thread. It was pretty good, definitely a step above most other common major candies.