Actuarial Chess Club


Players who have not participated in the last tourney:
@Rick_Groszkiewicz (out)
Blampman (in)
@JonasChess (in)
@Grizz (out)
@Rekrap (in)
GibbonPJ (in)
Gustavs_Demise (in)
AveMaria77 (in)

If I forgot anyone else or if you know anyone else who is interested, please let me know. For those who don’t have a GoActuary account, I will reach out individually.

Please count me in.

I’m in

Count me in please!

In! I’ll put the over/under on “accuracy” of my games at 70% (+/- 2%).

I’m in!

I’m in


Group B, please. Not at group A level right now in terms of ability or interest.

I think I’m down there naturally, but if not, wherever I’m supposed to be is fine.

I am slowly sending out invites to the chess tournaments but they are scheduled to start on 1/23/23. In the event re-scheduling is needed, the tourneys will be pushed back to a later date. Please do remember that although opening databases/books/youtube videos are allowed, anal beads, engines, and tablebases are not allowed.

Everyone who expressed their interest should eventually receive an invite link by me via chess dot com private message.

I’ll give it a go!

I’m in

I’m in

@sethascope and @CanNeverWearWhite can you provide your chess dot com usernames? Thanks!


I’d be interested in the tournament as well!
Fingerfelder is my

I tried looking up your account but couldn’t find it. Would you be able to provide the link to your account?

Fingersfelder* my apologies

Do you guys have any ideas about your Elo ratings? I like to play but at my best I am only a 1250 or 1275, and that was when I played online a few days a week. I don’t play regularly now.

If you are around 1250, I can put you in Group C. Right now the average Daily rating of the current 5 participants in C is 1141. For A - 1815, B - 1525, D - 888. These numbers will change once more participants join, but I expect the gap between consecutive groups to be a couple hundred points.

If you wish to join D instead I can also grant that too.