Actuarial Chess Club

Here’s a game I just played:

Maybe one of these days I’ll challenge you to a game. I’m busy with work, school, and watching your 2F videos! I’ve gotten so busy, I no longer set conditional moves in my games :laughing:

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I hadn’t seen this before. This looks really fun. Something you could play OTB as well pretty easily

Al Aki and I have played a lot of Duck chess. Here’s a recent game where I tried a piece sac, which was NOT quite a success. I ran out of time while trying to draw by perpetual check:

Much more free time to play Duck chess after the 2F exam!

A great way to learn is watching some of the streams on My favorites are Eric Rosen and Prague Queen …
Just search for “duck chess”


Interesting read, thanks for posting!

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Well, looks like Hikaru just became a World Champion in Chess 960. It’s funny cause people on Reddit are saying that Hikaru winning the 960 Title will bring more interest in this relatively new format.

On an unrelated note, hit 2500 in Puzzles!

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Oh thank god, all those dozens hours of bongcloud-prep are finally paying off.

Just watched my first video of Atomic Chess. That is one weird way to play the game. At least the games are very quick.

The hardest thing to learn about Atomic is that captures do NOT blow up nearby pawns, only nearby pieces. Once you have a passed pawn, it becomes VERY powerful.

wrapped up a game against a co-worker on chess(dot)com. I played at a shockingly good 92.0 accuracy with 0 mistakes, 0 blunders, 0 missed wins. Wow!


I’ll be ready for some Duck chess on Friday …

Duck chess? Is that like chess in the rain?

After each move, a player gets to place a duck on an empty square. The duck blocks the path of pawns and pieces, but knights can jump over them. You can’t capture the duck. You win the game by capturing the king (not checkmating).

I fondly remember the first time I castled OUT of “check” playing Duck chess. :star_struck:

Even if you are 1-2 pieces ahead, it is surprisingly difficult to capture the King.

I was playing some DuckChess with @Rick_Groszkiewicz last night and tried to play the Dragon, but he kept blocking the d6 square with the ducky…ughhh

Very interesting variant. Too many times when I had a piece defending another piece, and then not be able to re-capture during exchange because of the duck.

I’ve had a lot of fun recently with Duck Chess.

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