Action Castle II - A Text Adventure Game

Game Saved!

You go north on the Old Pond, then North on the Old Pond Road (where the roses sign is), and then North again. You arrive at a bend in the road. There is an old tree stump here. You see Action Castle to the east. Exits are East, South.

Search around the old tree stump

Judging by the size of this stump, the tree must have been enormous! You see an axe embedded in the tree stump. Exits are EAST, SOUTH.

Take axe.

You pick up the axe, noticing as you pull it from the stump that it is rather dull. You now have an axe.
You are standing in a bend in the road. Exits are EAST, SOUTH.


You stand outside the walls of Action Castle! There’s a deep moat here. The drawbridge is up. Exits are WEST.

Examine drawbridge

I wonder if we could take the fire from the old man

Axe handle might burn

You don’t see anything special about the drawbridge from here, except that it’s closed. Exits are WEST.

Return to town square.

You return to the Town Square and head West. You are in the town hall. Rosemary, the mayor’s daughter is here. Exits are OUT.

Say hello to Rosemary, ask her how her day is going

You ask Rosemary how she’s doing. She blushes and says she is doing well. She asks how her boyfriend is doing, and you realize she’s referring to you. Apparently you are in a relationship!
You are in the Town Hall. Exits are OUT.

Here’s a pic of Rosemary for reference.


And the old crazy hermit as well while I’m at it.


Ask Rosemary about the lack of rosebushes IYKWIM

(But really, does she have info on why are there no longer rosebushes on Old Pond Road)

“Why, those bushes died years ago. Right around the time the current king was crowned.”
You are in the Town Hall. Exits are OUT.

Sidenote: The rose bushes being gone is just a weird throwback to Action Castle I.

Return to town square and go SOUTH

You are in the smithy. The blacksmith is at the forge, hammering on some red-hot iron. There is a grindstone here. Exits are OUT.