2024 Survivor Fantasy Football

It wouldn’t be the NFL on GoActuary, without it (and I’m finaly getting my act together :blush; )

(insert announcer voice)
Returning for its TWENTY-FOURTH year, and still (somewhat) popular (I hope… :gulp: )…

Welcome to Survivor Fantasy Football 2024!

:party: :party: :party:

Believe it or not, we’re in our twenty-fourth season of playing this game, and it draws a lot of attention, so c’mon down and join the fun!

The rules are fairly straight forward:

Each week you will select 1 QB, 1 RB, and 1 WR/TE.
You get 1 pt per yard rushing or receiving.
You get 1 pt per 2 yards passing (no half-points)
You get 30 pts for throwing a TD, 60 pts for scoring one (via rush or reception; no returns)

Add up everyone’s score, and the person with the lowest weekly score is booted, and the highest score will get a Booster (Booster rules explained below). If more than one person is to be booted in a given week, it will be announced at the beginning of that week. We will only boot one person in Week 1.

Last person standing gets the fame and fortune associated with winning the most popular Actuarial Outpost and GoActuary sports game!

There are only two other rules when making your picks:

(1) You may not repeat any player in the season.
(2) For a given week, you may not repeat another entrant’s triplet.

Once you have a Booster, it can be played actively or passively:

Active: If you say that you are using it in a given week when you declare your picks, the Booster will be worth 100 points.
(Note: You must declare that you are using your booster when you submit your picks.)

Passive: If the person in last place has a Booster, the Booster will be applied passively, but it will only be worth 50 points.
(After the first Booster is applied, the process will be repeated until the person in last place has no boosters left.)

So do you play Patrick Mahomes right away, or do you hold on to him until he gets a really favorable matchup? If you hold him, you may not make it!!

What happens if there is a tie for last place in any given week?
ALL folks with the lowest score will be booted! (I don’t wanna deal with any tie-breaker stuff.)

What if there’s a tie for first place?
NO Booster will be awarded. (Ya gotta win it outright!)

What happens if I repeat someone’s triplet?
If you repeat someone’s triplet, you are stuck with in and you will lose the middle score of your triplet. EXCEPTION: If you post your triplet, and then discover that someone has just posted the same triplet in the past 5 minutes, you can immediately (i.e. w/in 5 minutes) make a new post and change your triplet by one player in order to be legal without penalty.

Post your triplet in this thread. You may not choose the same triplet as someone else for the same week. You may only submit your selection once, so please do not edit your post. If you edit your post, you will be booted from the game!

All picks are due by Friday at 5 pm Central Time. You may not choose a player who has already started a game (i.e. no picking Thursday players if you submit your triplet on a Friday). I will try to post the “official” submissions each week sometime late Friday afternoon.

Note: The commissioner reserves the right to allow late picks (with possible penalties) as long as they are before the first kickoff. That being said, don’t count on the commissioner being benevolent at all times! The commissioner’s rulings are final in all cases. If your picks are in before I post the summary Friday afternoon/evening, you’re safe.

Week 1 exception: You have until 11 a.m. CDT Sunday, 9/8, to post your picks. You may not use players from the Thursday night game (BAL @ KC) or the Friday night game (GB vs. PHI in Brazil) at all for Week 1.

Last year we had 23 folks in our third full season here on GoActuary, but I know we can do better (and this game is more fun with the more people we have… so please come join the party! :tada: )

Let me know if I’ve missed something, or if you have any questions.

Good luck all, and let the game begin!! :clap: :clap:

Etched on the Virtual Survivor Fantasy Football Trophy:

The Winners
2001: Kid Rock (Runner-up: Ducky)
2002: Ducky (Runner-up: Big D)
2003: StoneGroove (Runner-up: Ultimate Anyone?)
2004: TP (Runner-up: Kid Rock)
2005: Bill Walton(Hippie Years) (Runner-up: ian grey)
2006: Ultimate Anyone? (Runner-up: shadyridr)
2007: shadyridr (Runner-up: Halfmoon)
2008: harvma (Runner-up: StoneGroove)
2009: CaptainDingo (Runners-up: Cynical Realist, ReserveRage)
2010: uoflcard (Runner-up: yankeetripper)
2011: harvma (Runners-up: OddSox, Patience)
2012: InSpades (Runners-up: SirVLCIV, Patience)
2013: rekrap (Runners-up: Ray Finkle, Arthur Itas)
2014: OddSox (Runners-up: rekrap, keyser soze)
2015: yankeetripper (Runners-up: accobra_kid, abwoc)
2016: ImPrettyDumb (Runners-up: MayanActuary, uoflcard)
2017: CaptainDingo (Runners-up: Whiskey, Kid Rock, OddSox)
2018: ShivamS (Runners-up: Ray Finkle, Funemployed)
2019: Arthur Itas (Runners-up: Ray Finkle, ReserveRage, Funemployed, silentassassin)
2020: YankeeTripper (Runners-up: KidRock, IPD, CaptainDingo)
2021: JudgeSmails (Runners-up: CaptainDingo, Jahiegel)
2022: YankeeTripper (Runners-up: Italian_Halibut, MayanActuary)
2023: PatientZombie (Runners-up: Ezekial_Cumberland, actuaryjr, OutdoormanNowActuary, ArthurItas)
2024: actuaryjr (Runner-up: IPD)

I’ll be first since I’ll be gone next week
Week 1
QB: Anthony Richardson
RB: Kyren Williams
WR: DK Metcalf

over/under on # of players that violate this rule: 1.5

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Because I suck at this … but that won’t stop me from giving it another shot.

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will be in


lets goooooo

QB Purdy
RB Mixon
WR Kupp

Best game out there

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And not that you needed any more incentive to play, but now you can win a GoActuary badge for winning Survivor Fantasy Football! :partying_face:

Check out the new shiny badges for PatientZombie, JudgeSmails, and the 2-time winner YankeeTripper - looking spiffy, folks! :+1:


Do AO legacy championships not count?


Let’s go!!!

A Richardson (IND)
Kamara (NO)
A. St. Brown (DET)

This question first came up with the RPS badges (the other game I run on here), and in the end I decided that I wasn’t comfortable with awarding legacy badges, for a couple of reasons: (1) I can’t really tell if people are the same (granted, I’ve got strong hunches, but if someone were to suddenly log on as ‘Bill Walton(Hippie Years)’, I wouldn’t have a way to know if that’s the same person as our 2005 winner, for example, and (2) I wanted something that reflected the uniqueness of being a GoActuary winner, since that’s where the game was won.

The “Virtual Survivor Fantasy Football Trophy” will always have all the names from all the former sites, though, so all those prior accomplishments will still recognized there. :+1:

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Here are the Week 1 triplets to date (and yes, it feels good to type that out! :slight_smile: ):

Person      QB           RB           WR   
Outdoorman  ARichardson  KWilliams    DMetcalf
CaptDingo   ARichardson  AKamara      AStBrown

Joe Burrow
Kyren Williams
Chris Olave

I guess I don’t count?


I’m going to play the “It’s Week 1 for me as well!” card here… and my apologies.

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Week 1 Triplets to Date… now with all posted triplets!

Person      QB           RB           WR   
Outdoorman  ARichardson  KWilliams    DMetcalf
MtnHawk     BPurdy       JMixon       CKupp
CaptDingo   ARichardson  AKamara      AStBrown
BigBlackBen JBurrow      KWilliams    COlave
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