2021 Survivor Fantasy Football

And Week 18 is in the books! :judge:

Person      QB           RB           WR             QB  RB  WR Tot
JudgeSmails KCousins     DSingletary  MAndrews      214 232  85 531
CaptDingo   CWentz       DForemen     AStBrown      139  84 181 504 inc +100 B
Jahiegel    JAllen       AEkeler      AJBrown       242 219 128 489 inc -100 P

Congrats to JudgeSmails for winning Week 18…

… and the 2021 Survivor Fantasy Football Title!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:party: :party:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

JudgeSmails, may you enjoy all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges you are entitled to with this honor!!

I also want to make sure we congratulate our runners-up for a fine run this season - well done CaptainDingo and Jahiegel!! :clap:

We hope to see you three back next year to defend your titles! :+1: