2020 Survivor Fantasy Football - Backup location

And Week 17 is in the books!! :judge:

Person      QB           RB           WR             QB  RB  WR Tot
yankeetripr KCousins     DMontgomery  JJefferson    353 192 133 778 inc +100 B
KidRock     RTannenhill  EElliott     JJefferson    296 121 133 750 inc +200 B
ImPrettyDum ARodgers     DMontgomery  JJefferson    244 192 133 669 inc +100 B
CaptDingo   RTannenhill  MGordon      CRidley       296 170  46 612 inc +100 B

Congrats to YankeeTripper for winning Week 17…

…and the 2020 AO Survivor Fantasy Football Title

:clap: :clap: :party: :party: :clap: :clap:

YankeeTripper, may you enjoy all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges you are entitled to with this honor!!

We also need to congratulate our Week 17 runners-up - it was a great run by KidRock, IPD, and CaptainDingo to make it this far (and to survive all the relocation mess as well). :clap:

We hope to see y’all back next year (and hopefully next year we’ll get a full season in! :+1: )