Too early to declare that this won’t age well?
Fair or not, he’s probably got to win an MVP or Super Bowl for it to age poorly since the media tends to talk about him in the same breath as Mahomes who has 2 MVPS and 3 SB rings.
How is he being rated, and who overrates him?
And why does anyone care that much?
I think it was basically just a player to player popularity contest type of survey. So basically meaningless. I only care about the Bills being 3-0 so far.
Gentle reminder that playing football can have long-term consequences.
Who knew stealing welfare money was a symptom of Parkinson’s? He’s truly breaking ground here.
Could also go in Today I learned: it’s hard to search about the NFL and Parkinson’s disease due to an unrelated search term. A biomarker that is important in some neurological diseases including Parkinson’s is neurofilament light chain protein (NfL).
or setting up for a lighter sentence
couldn’t they add 10 - 20 additional QBs to the picture?
Yes, but I think they intentionally selected the widely perceived best QB’s in the current era.
According to The Athletic it was the first game since 1940 that had no punts or turnovers by either team!
one and done.
most folks look at who the biggest road underdog. getting creative is for after you survived a few and have hard choices. except…week 1 is often goofy as heck.
and of course the bengals lost and so those 6 people still alive get a reprieve despite losing in week 3. in some ways we all lost within 3 weeks.
I could possibly see the doxxing falling under free speech, but certainly not showing up at his house and shouting. That’s harassment.
Like Trump doxxed the the Capitol Building?
Huh? How did he dox the Capitol building? Its location is not exactly a secret.
I mean, he encouraged his supporters to invade the Capitol, but invading <> doxxing. It’s arguably worse, but it’s certainly different.
He only suggested some very fine people take a tourist visit to the Capital while Congress was working on certifying the election. It was perfect speech that no one could question. An official act subject to royal immunity.
Remember his audience.
Also, think about whether something is humorous before trying to correct someone.
I don’t find humor where there are obvious logical fallacies.