2020 Electoral College Predictions Discussion

https://www.270towin.com/2020-election-results-live/ seems to have what I’m looking for.

I guess it’s looking like Trump will probably win Florida and Georgia and North Carolina although none are certain yet. Based on my method of assuming the polls were off by about 3–4% I was expecting Trump to carry those three states all along although they’ll probably all be close-ish.

So, how’s everybody doing tonight?

okay, there are TONS of posts in here and GoActuary.com showed me no new posts. So confusing.

Is the media being extra careful not reporting results? I think they can call some of these states like Florida. North Carolina might be too close to call. Is there absentee ballots still remaining to be counted?

PA is looking like it might be a fight…

depressed. i don’t entirely get all the math and stuff going on, but i’m hearing that Trump is likely to win again and I want to leave the country, but that’s difficult.

I think people would feel better if one of NC/GA/FL/TX would have flipped. AZ looks like it will, and then it’s a matter of getting WI and MI in the bag. [Going to assume MN doesn’t do something bizarre.]

At that point, it’s on PA and for talk of results early it sounds like Trump’s camp is nervous and Biden’s camp is confident.

GA sounds like it’s going to need a day to tally everything. There’s a small chance it might yet fall over.

I’m really confused. Is Biden losing, or not?

It looks like he lost ohio, nc, and Florida. But it’s still unclear. Depends on Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA. All currently led by trump. But only like 40%-60% reported so who knows.

Sounds like Biden is overperforming Clinton '16, the question is whether it’s enough to cause it to flip. If he overperforms in Ohio, that would likely be encouraging for PA.

For FL/NC, Florida appears lost and I think they’re being careful. North Carolina is probably also lost, but it’s closer even if getting remote.


Fox News calls Arizona for Biden.

My RBG bobblehead is upset

Georgia seems like a long shot for Biden at this point Wisconsin is pretty tight. Trump’s got decent sized leads in Michigan and PA. Worthwhile to note there is like 400k absentee ballots not counted yet in PA.

Media orgs “calling” states is dumb. They should stop doing that.

Report the numbers. Say where they’re from. Say what’s looking different from last time. Have a person on who can say things like “it seems clear that X is going to end up winning Y”. Fine.

But, “PDQ News Network calls Spottsylvania for the Slightly Silly Party” - stop that.

No. He’s not on his way to a ~400 EV blowout like some were thinking (I thought he might get to 350), but he hasn’t lost a state Clinton won in '16 and he looks to be in decent shape in WI/MI (Trump is up, but lots of blue-leaning areas still to fully count) and then currently leads in IA and has OH within shouting distance yet.

See comment above on PA. Not panicked yet. More disappointed that state races didn’t follow in certain areas / batshit crazy candidates won seats, but that’s a different rant.


Ohio is 94% reported and biden is down 400k. Are their mail in ballots not counted yet?

I didn’t vote. I can’t get excited about either candidate. I may be Republican but I did vote for Obama once. What does it take to get a decent candidate in either side of the aisle?
I love watching election night results.

They can count mail in ballots until 11/13 if postmarked by today.