Worldle / WhereTaken / WhenTaken

i remember confusing finland and sweden soon after starting playing. Not again! Triangle man (southern tip is somewhat b triangular) vs fat bottom girls.

#Worldle #432 X/6 (91%)

::swear: played early morning in somewhat dim room without glasses. Saw map just find and thought I saw arrows fine, but was amazed by result. Arrows backwards. Might well have missed anyway, but would have gotten closer

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#Worldle #432 5/6 (100%)

Nearly messed up on guess 4 - still half asleep and thought the up arrow was a down arrow so went south instead of north.

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#Worldle #433 1/6 (100%)

Been there a couple of times, both north and south.

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#Worldle #433 3/6 (100%)

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#Worldle #434 1/6 (100%)

Spent some time there (a few decades)

Not much of a stretch for you then :). I’ve only had the good fortune to visit for about 20 days, would love to go back.

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#Worldle #434 1/6 (100%)


#Worldle #435 X/6 (98%)

Dang! My distances were all out of whack.

#Worldle #435 4/6 (100%)

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another geopolitical hotspot in the 1980’s

#Worldle #436 2/6 (100%)
14% for my first guess - that might be a new record.

the sister site today had one that i was off by 16000 km, but got on second guess too.

#Worldle #436 2/6 (100%)

really should have gotten it in 1. I decided what I should have guessed (without being confident of it) before seeing first result, and that was correct.

#Worldle #437 X/6 (93%)

I knew that Haiti shared an island with Dominican Republic but that was no help

i think i mentioned earlier in this thread that there is a piece of art in the vestibule of my wife’s childhood church that has a map of this country. It shows the location of the parish’s twin parish there. I spent a lot of time in that vestibule with noisy kids.

#Worldle #437 5/6 (100%)

Good thing I got it, since 48 hours ago I was getting ready to return from a 2-week vacation in the Dominican Republic. I still guess the Dominican Republic is guess 4 (in part from the sentiments I expressed earlier in the thread: if the Dominican Republic was the answer, I better not get it wrong. I didn’t think DR was right, but just in case…

#Worldle #438 2/6 (100%)

The dreaded Stans. I remembered one of them had that weird triangular border. I started with Turkmenistan because I knew that was the western central one and I thought Khazikstan was much wider at the top.

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#Worldle #438 5/6 (100%)

Turkmenistan was my first STAN guess, but not until guess 4. Still wasn’t confident guess 5 would be right.

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Straight lines on the west was where Kaz told Becky "Caspian Sea access? I DON’T THINK SO!