I think there’ a big difference from 3 to 4 days in person and am holding out hope insurers will remain stable at a 3 day hybrid compromise.
If my firm went to 4+ I think I’d look for another job with a shorter commute.
I think there’ a big difference from 3 to 4 days in person and am holding out hope insurers will remain stable at a 3 day hybrid compromise.
If my firm went to 4+ I think I’d look for another job with a shorter commute.
Yeah, going to four days was dumb. If you’re going to rip the bandaid off, might as well go to five days. Very likely they were planning to do that later anyway.
Three days a week makes a longer commute palatable. That allows for a wider pool of potential employees. You can still have your weekly meetings, if you have a common day for each team (or department). They may need to incentivize employees to come in on the quieter days (Monday and Friday where I work).
Completely agree
Well, pre-pandemic there was a movement to normalize a 4-day work-week…
I think I’ve been hearing about that movement my entire career
I wish I still had the memo from my first job. Business casual except Friday we could wear jeans. This was around 2003, capri pants were really in, and some women had pants with some frilly stuff at the bottom.
Management decided they had to do something about this. So the rule was if your pants went to the ankle, then you could have the frilly bits. But if they were capris, then you could not have the frilly stuff - if they were denim. If you had khaki capris then frilly was ok. Something like that. They got someone to model all of this, took pics of what was and was not acceptable, put it all in a document, sent it to everyone. I can only assume there were multiple meetings to discuss this, and someone was like ‘oh no, denim capris WITH frilly bits is right out, no proper woman should wear that to the office.’ And yes, they had a definition of how far above the ankle marked the line between capris vs not.
Just terrific work.
I’m sure it enhanced shareholder value.
What is it you would say you do here?
Now that I think about it, I don’t know why the actuarial dept wasn’t involved, we are 100% the experts at staring at shoes and the general area around the shoes.
Careful now, that sounds like scope expansion
But, ankles. Risque is opportunity, imo.
Hmmm, I wonder how we can cut our expense ratio? Then the continuous improvement people came in and said “I think I’ve worked out a way to cut the number of dress code meetings from 8 to 7”.
They were probably in meetings Saturday and Sunday about this.
Add Dell to the list of companies doing RTO.
Seems that the US is going to be going that way vs remote due to Trump as well.
The UK is now an outlier. We seem to now be the WFH capital of the world (primarily because the cost of transport and housing is terrible over here so WFH can be a game changer).
I love the personalized touch that the CEO headshot provides
Around the same time, we were sitting through a presentation on the updated dress code, with similar nit-pickish distinctions about the length of various pants or pants-like attire. The line that got the most laughter from the crowd was when one of the old white guy executives had to explain why capris were not allowed, because “Then we get into this whole argument about ‘good capris, bad capris’,” with corresponding hand gestures indicating the length of such a judgment call.
HAH. I guess their experiment failed. Partway through 2024 they told everybody, no promotions for remote employees.
Half took them up on no-advancement WFH.
so when we see that smiling biz cazh guy rolling through the office we all trudge to each day we’ll know “oh, that’s the dickhead.”
where they define “near a Dell office.” Someone will be moving outside the perimeter to continue working remotely I assume.
a back to office that starts in 4 weeks, but also “please hold those questions. we’re still working through details…” Maybe then 4 weeks notice isn’t adequate?
I think our CEO does the same thing, actually. Although it’s usually cheerier news.
If my internet is gonna be spotty every day, then I might have to RTO daily.
Off for 40 minutes today. So far.
I had to run an upload program of 100000 records. 100 records every 25 seconds or so. Any internet stoppage stops the whole thing, and I have to restart when the internet comes back up.