Will you get the vaccine as soon as available to you?

a lot of the green dots have openings for like a second and then they are gone, but they still remain green dots for a little while.

Already starting to see.the vaccine rejection in rural areas in MN

500 dose community clinic in SW MN has 5 people show up, so they panic and call the “Minneapolis Vaccine Hunter” admin trying to get people to go done there.

Follow up posts show that a significant amount of shots were wasted.

let them die

yeah, i’m cool with that too, but when people don’t get the vaccine, and get sick, that makes the vaccine all the more likely to mutate and get the rest of us sick anyway.

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My coworker who moved to a rural part of the state after the office closed is already fully vaxed. She didn’t have to lie or anything. Pharmacies just had extra and gave them out to whoever wanted them.

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now tons of appointments at javits. nobody has any excuse here for not getting on it.

i don’t know why this still fascinates me to watch the websites even though i already got it.

I mean, duh. It’s a once in a lifetime pandemic and a once in a lifetime vaccine rollout.

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we hope

The feds dropped a lot of J&J vaccine to the states and the pharmacies yesterday. I think there are a lot of open appointments everywhere right now. Or will be until they are all snapped up.

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Also, it looks like the Israeli vaccination rates may be topping out at 55%! That isn’t encouraging.


I saw 60% on another chart that was % of total population. Google shows 27.3% are age 0-14, so that would imply nearly 90% of adults.

I think J&J is going to become the shot a lot of people end up getting because this and they just like saying “One and Done!”

I just found a J&J shot for a friend in West Seattle and was going to complete it over the phone with them and they were like “nah, I am too sleepy. Also, don’t want J&J.”


Speaking of which, my J&J appointment is booked!


Oh wow, they have more kids than i realized!

:grimacing: I hope the answers I put in for Campbell were correct enough. It was late and she was sleeping, so I just filled it out.

MA just expanded eligibility for phase 2B to include 25 BMI instead of 30 BMI, so my weight loss doesn’t cost me two weeks after all.


BiL and SiL both reacted poorly. both feel mild COVID symptoms. Shots Thursday, she still sick on Saturday

they recovered from COVID about a month ago

I thought there was a 90 day waiting period recommended between COVID recovery and vaccination?