need bra size too for women imo. that’s where most of the fat is.
why? I don’t think having a large chest is a risk factor. stomach fat is.
and what do you mean by “that’s where most of the fat is”? not for me.
you’re right.
I was thinking about it wrong. In my head I was trying to back into a healthy body fat % for women, which should take bewb size into account.
i’m confused. I don’t think boob size enters into any calculations for health. Body fat percentage in terms of health needs to look at belly fat mostly.
didn’t say it did.
I meant, if you’re going to come up with a healthy body fat % bracket for women, it should adjust based on bewb size, since, like you said, bewb size doesn’t affect your health, but it can be a significant portion of body fat % for women.
“They” would have included it, if it were statistically relevant.
How is body fat percentage determined? I didnt think the measurements to do it uses boobs at all. If you want to use BMI as a proxy for health issues it makes sense to see where the weight actually is and boob size might come into play, but same for having bigger thighs or a bigger butt which I dont think are risky either. I think it is mainly belly fat that increases risk.
there are machines that you hold and they run currents through your body to determine your body fat. you see these at gyms. They’re not the most accurate thing. But they will give you a BFP.
I don’t think those are accurate, but even beyond that, it seems like an irrelevant number even if it is. women especially carry weight in a lot of places, not just stomach and not just boobs.
I have a scale that used to give me a body fat percentage. I viewed it as a bs number.
probably why the “skin test” is usually done on a bunch of different areas to determine overall BFP.
In my state most teachers are either teaching in person or they are required to go to the school to teach virtually.
I have a scale that does this. I program in my age, height, and sex and I stand on two sensors on the scale and it spits out a body fat percentage.
So it would definitely arrive at a higher number for a well endowed woman than the same exact woman with smaller boobs.
Unfortunately it doesn’t keep track of time, so I have to keep updating my age. It thinks I’m two years younger than I am.
I have a friend who teaches near Chicago who was required to teach virtually from his classroom. I don’t get that. (Nor did he, he was pretty cranky about it.) The classroom i tutor in the teachers are in their homes. But you barely noticed, because usually they are presenting their screen. And when you do see their backdrop… It’s a bland room. Who cares?
i’m pretty sure those scales are crap. i don’t think that number is accurate at all. i have one. i only rely on it for weight.
They are crap. I looked into what mine does, and it only runs a current through the bottom half of my body, using that to estimate my total body fat. I carry my weight in the top half of my body. I’ve also noticed the number swings significantly from one day to the next. Useful to observe trends, but clearly not reliable or precise.
Avoid COVID and get diabetes all in one go!!!
good way to become high risk that’s for sure
i’m totally cutting the line now. FREE DONUTS!
although, it’s not worth the hike to krispy kreme for this.