Will you get the vaccine as soon as available to you?

Was this today? What vaccine did you get?

[quote=“dothemath, post:1386, topic:706, full:true”]
I don’t think states should be announcing when everyone is eligible ahead of time. People are just going to to pre-book, and take appointments away from folks who are currently eligible.[/quote]

Most of the pre-announcements I’ve seen haven’t been “you are eligible to receive the vaccine starting on…”; instead they’ve been “you become eligible to make the appointment starting on…”. Those semantics address that concern, if people comply with the constraints.

I agree with this. Our state announced on a Tuesday maybe that 40+ would be eligible on that Thursday, with everyone else a week and a half after that. The spots for those ten days filled up ASAP with 40+, but the spots from the 29th on were also already booked up. And you have to lie on the registration form to register if you’re genpop, as registration isn’t supposed to open up until a day before eligibility. I know of A LOT of people who lied to get a spot as soon as they could.

Kind of wish they had waited until the 27th or 28th to announce general public so people who were 40+ or obese or have cancer could have grabbed a spot. I know of a lot of people in that group who are still trying to get one.

Mostly I feel for the people with cancer. This is the first they are eligible, if under 50, and they need it a lot more than most people.

I got an email from my physician’s hospital network announcing appointments for anyone, but they have nothing available through at least June, when I stopped even looking.

They don’t.

maybe that’s why Cuomo waits until the day before to announce it rather than it being for his own politically motivated reasons. it makes sense to wait so that people don’t snag the spots immediately.

Yes, and Pfizer.


seems like people getting moderna is non-existent these days. is pfizer more available?

A couple of my friends just got Moderna. And the site where I was vaccinated had both. I don’t know why they gave me Pfizer, and I wasn’t feeling like looking a gift horse in the mouth, so I didn’t ask.

I remember hearing earlier on about places starting with Pfizer in the morning and switching to Moderna later on because of the temperature storage requirements. :woman_shrugging:

ah, probably a coincidence.

i think javits is just pfizer and J&J, no moderna.

Most places have one or the other of the mRNA vaccines. I got it at a hospital, which might be why they had both. God knows they have the freezers and expertise to handle both vaccines.

California just announced April 1 for 50+ and April 15 for 16+. That is a lot of people eligible 4/15 not eligible 4/14, so not sure how that will work. Poked around, and appointments are not being made that far out any place I found.

Edit: should have read government statement instead of news report. Those dates are when you are eligible to make an appointment, not get the vaccine.

My coworker told me that my state might open up vaccinations to everyone next week. She is our team’s vaccination expert and she has regular meetings with the DOH, but I don’t know if that’s just her guess, or it’s based on actual conversations she’s had with the state. I hope it’s true tho, I’m not going to deal with the hassle of trying to get jabbed when I visit AZ next month.

I think a lot of states will be accelerating their timeline simply because other states are already open

fb friend had a status update asking people how they got a vaccine. some chick said she put down the overweight category. I look at her, and she is in no way heavy enough for that to be a risk factor. checked her states definition of overweight and it’s based on the CDC definition which is over 25 BMI. that’s insane. having a 25 bmi doesn’t put you at risk for anything. :roll_eyes:

I think for NY to meet the criteria based on weight, you gotta be obese, not just overweight.

I wouldn’t go that far. Regardless, BMI is a terrible metric anyway and any medical professional that still uses BMI as a benchmark should have their license revoked.


i would go that far. i really don’t think having a 25 bmi puts you at risk for any health conditions.

It’s a sliding scale, and 25 BMI is on that scale. You don’t suddenly become unhealthy at over 25 BMI, or even 35 BMI. You certainly are riskier at 25 BMI than at 20 BMI, if you have no lean muscle mass.

Yeah, height to waist ratio is a considerably better predictor for just about anything other than back issues.

Other metrics, like body fat percentage are better still but far more of a PITA to calculate than either BMI or height/waist.

As someone with a big head, I hate BMI.