Why doesn't Canada build more houses?

Well for me I gotta put the babies somewhere

:astonished: is mrs smoothie pregnant?

Is she still single/ That would be plenty of space for like one person.

No, but if she was I would need to put the babies somewhere.

yes, she’s single, but this is manhattan. you would stuff more than one person in that apartment normally. that’s considered huge for one person here.

Also, I need a space to retreat to just in case my experiments with raising morally relativistic kids backfires.


Oh yeah and the $650k would get you a three bedroom ish.

it also has monthly fees. she’s targeting $2,500 per month of fees or less.

does it at least have in unit laundry?

many of the larger apartments do have laundry in the unit. many others don’t. my sister will only buy a place that doesn’t if the building allows her to add one. some buildings won’t allow you to put one in and you have to use their facilities. for her current apartment, it didn’t have one, and she put one in. the only reason she put one into her current place was because the building itself had no laundry in it and she would therefore have to go to a laundromat. she got used to having one though, so it’s a must for her. she had to eliminate some good apartments from consideration because no in unit laundry and the building didn’t allow it.

interesting to me about Manhattan real estate was that I was convinced that COVID would entirely kill the market for Manhattan real estate with everyone fleeing to the suburbs and other states when we were the hardest hit in addition to everyone being wfh. In 2020, I think it did kill the market and you could get a good deal. Now in 2021, the market is making a comeback. I’m confused by this though. yeah, we have a vaccine, and NYC is not the focal point of COVID anymore, but people still can wfh, so why are people now looking to buy in Manhattan again?

I don’t know. I thought the theory was people were moving out of cities because of BLM but that sounds kind of outrageously racist for it to be true. Then again I guess that did happen in the 70s and 80s.

oh, some racist idiots are. my sister’s supposed bff moved to new jersey because she claims people are being shot on the streets of new york. most normal people are not fleeing due to BLM though. this girl is a racist idiot. i thought they would flee for more space with wfh.

Have to pay $1.5M to live that close to a bunch of people? No thanks.

Fun fact, 100 years ago, Manhattan had 40% more people than it has today.

Manhattan isn’t the most populated borough. Brooklyn is. I assume those apartments were replaced by office buildings?

I think people literally lived like 10 to a room

:astonished: ew

I think commercial real estate in Manhattan may crash, but I expect people to continue wanting to live there. Maybe some commercial space will be converted to residential.

I think we’ll know more in a few months about the long-term prospect of the commercial real estate market.

A year ago I thought commercial real estate was doomed. Now, I think there’s been enough pushback on certain aspects of WFH that a sizeable portion of the workforce will return to offices at least part-time…and a decent number of folks seem to want to go back in.

(I was WFH pre-pandemic, but even I’d prefer being in an office if the folks I work with were local and the commute to the local office didn’t suck.)

Ok that sounds dumb. My basement bar sounds about as functional as that.