Where to spend my excess electricity

Well, the more you know about crazy conspiracies, the less you want to know.
Follow the money!!
Or something like that.

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And do your own research!!!@#%@#!@

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Think for yourself!! And believe what I say!!


This is what worries me. Will it really add enough to the resale? I’m sure it will add to the resale, but if we lay out $60-80k more than a regular roof and then saves $10K in energy and it adds $25K to the value of our house then it was a really bad investment.

We love our suburb and we love our existing neighbors enough to stay put for the time being but we don’t love our house. If the neighbors left we probably would too. And actually new people bought the house next door and haven’t moved in yet. No clue if we’ll love them.

Hey it came from an elected congress woman it must be true!

A lot depends on if electricity costs will skyrocket. I think when the house is put up for sale, a certain group of buyers will want solar, and another group will not. Same as a pool or a third bathroom or a charging station for electric vehicles. You won’t know how much it’s valued until you put it up for sale.

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When I “ran the numbers” I only considered “How much will this save me in electricity costs?”

I made a bunch of conservative assumptions (excessive depreciation after the warranty runs out, electric rates stay flat, etc.) The Cash Flow was equal to the Purchase Price at an interest rate of about 3%.

Solar is for hippies

Well, that must make me a hipster-dufus

Have solar panels - somebody at Blue Raven something is supposed to send us $100 every month for a year for some reason. I had heard that the panels wipe out our entire energy bill, but what I saw was an $155 energy bill last month, so I don’t know the real deal yet. It’s possible my 2 degree climate tolerance and our propensity for never turning off any lights is an energy drag.

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Turning off lights is for hippies.

Turning off lights (or dimming them) when the light is not needed is the proper thing to do.

And if you’re all LED’s, then turning them off makes no effective difference to your energy bill.

Sorry, definitely not. I’m going to be the contest winner, you’ll have to figure out a different way to use your excess.

Use the electric to support a server farm and mine for bitcoin.
