When would you retire?

All the money? I’d retire tomorrow.


Because all the money I want isn’t that much. I’m wary of wealth, and the problems it invites.

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It’s possible to find stuff that’s, well if not fun, at least rewarding and satisfying, that pays well. Choices exist.
take an actuarial background/career. Isnt’ there stuff that one could pivot to that would be interesting and fun? Some branch of data science? Helping consumers in the branch of insurance/finance that one is expert on? etc.

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I have enough to retire and live as I do now. The problem is, with more free time, my current life style won’t cut it.
I did recently take a job with much less responsibility, stress, and time demands. Also, less money. I consider this semi-retired compared to what i had been doing even though this job is technically full-time.


I enjoy my job, so I’d keep it up until it becomes less enjoyable, perhaps look to reduce my hours at some point.

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Happy is the man whose work is his hobby.

i would ‘retire’ and become a gigolo.

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What’s your schedule? I like the idea of working part time instead of ever retiring and maybe filling the rest of the week with a light college schedule of courses I never took because they weren’t as marketable.


I would’ve said something like this before becoming an actuary. I always thought I would be taking courses for fun throughout my life. After getting my fellowship I no longer have a desire to study for anything ever again…

At least for now


Have a puppy mill, but like, a healthy kind.

I’ve taken a couple of exams since actuarial ones and like, whoa… no comparison. They’re so ridiculously easy it’s humorous.

Still, it’s not something I particularly aspire to.

That said, if I could get my CPA designation by just passing the CPA exam, like in the old days, I might do that and just be a CPA for the rest of my career. Seems a lot easier than actuarial work for only slightly less money.

So, just unemployed then?


If it was an option, I would rather be tortured for an hour to receive my FSA.

Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla boobuhla
Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla bop

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I’d post a quick Slack message “Hey all, I don’t work here effective immediately, here is my phone # if you want it, I’m still in town for at least a few weeks while I sort out where I’m buying my next house. Bye!”

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This. I like my job but I have a LOT of other things I’d like to do.

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or enough I’d like to tackle at a pace of my choosing

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Within a week of starting my first full time job after college graduation I was already googling things like “how to retire early”, “early retirement age”, “how much to save in 401k”

Needless to say I have a boatload of money tucked away and a boatload of disdain for the actuarial profession (any analytical 9-5, really)

I am on track to clock out in 3 years at age 35. I can’t wait!!!


Good for you!

My little brother retired at 40. He & his wife both have hobby jobs that supplement retirement withdrawals, but they don’t really need those jobs.


I was thinking more in terms of doing something completely different that either doesn’t pay well enough for me to pursue in my not-rich condition, or which has too much risk for my appetite when my ability to live comfortably is on the line.

For example, through much of my career, I said that if I won the lottery or otherwise ended up with $$$$$ in the bank, I’d become a teacher. It’s a different line of work that would interest me…but I don’t want to try to live on a teacher’s salary.

Now that I’m a bit older, and don’t have the appetite to go back to school and get credentials…I admire the lifestyle presented by some YouTubers who base their content around travel. I doubt that I would be very good at doing something like that (and I definitely lack the extraverted ness such folks convey), but it might be fun to try (if I didn’t have to depend on that sort of work for income).

If I really wanted to do these things, I could do them today. But I’m content being an actuary, content with my employer, and I rather like the income I earn with that contentedness. I’m too content and too risk-averse to make a change (or to retire) right now.

It would take a significant change in circumstance – either coming into lots of money, or am adverse change in my or my wife’s health – to alter the calculus in my mind.

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I have toyed around with the idea of coaching high school track but even that would require a daily commitment during the season plus some weekend hours for competitions. The problem with daily time commitment is me having to my naps around them. I like to take ad-hoc naps, not planned naps!!!

Hopefully I can find a nice hobby job like your brother and sis in law. For now I’ll probably be door dashing