What's for Lunch?

Do they make faux gras?

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cold sesame noodles

:nauseated_face: :-1:

Leftover chicken pot pie

which sounds like an oxymoron

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Are you making all this Asian (I want to say mostly Chinese?) dishes or buying them?

buy. usually over order Sunday dinner so i have for the week

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See this thread?

My kitten just caught a mouse - The Sandbox / General - GoActuary

Bagged southwest salad to which I added bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, cheddar cheese & black beans.

cobb salad

Authentic Mexican tamale + burrito: Hip_tiger_wife’s wise choice :slight_smile:

sandwich of leftover meatloaf

Last day of winter break for undergraduate collegiate kid, so will likely go out. Now where is the question.

Upscale restuarant. :judge:

Rightfully or wrongfully, I am boycotting the local Applebee’s due to a freezer burned salmon I was served about 20 years ago or so.


I’ll probably eat the last of the New Year’s goose, with not-quite-the-last of the wild rice stuffing. Probably throw out the last of the New Year’s stale pita bread. Maybe dig an apple out of the basement fridge.

Kind bar, string cheese, and grapes. At least that’s what I packed.

Lol, did you swap lunches with the little one?


Well, I did take care of the leftover chicken.:dog:


U da bestest gurl hoo deezurv awl da chikkinz!!!

Hooz a gud gurl??? R U a gud gurl??? Uv korz U R!!! :kissing_closed_eyes:

String cheese is awesome. Just ask Echo.

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