What's for Lunch?

Sammich. Meatball sammiches rock!

It did!

Grilled Cheese & Chicken Noodle Soup

It’ll be leftovers for a while. We have two kinds of leftover bean soup, leftover lamb, and leftover roast duck with leftover stuffing, Indian dry potatoes, and diced beets.

What’s Indian dry potatoes?

I couldn’t think of a good way to describe it. It’s in Madhur Jeffrey’s “an invitation to Indian cooking”, described as “dry potatoes with onion”.

It’s roughly mashed potatoes fried with onions, mustard seeds, lemon juice, and various other spices. It’s delicious. I got lazy this time and diced the potatoes instead of mashing them.


Ham, salami, provolone sub.

Leftover tomato soup

Cream of butternut squash soup and a slice of homemade bread!!! :yum:

Did this again. Had some leftover hassleback potato and steak, which made for a great hash today (with onion and green pepper).

Tomato soup. I kind of want more, but think the liquid would make me fuller than I want to be. Maybe it will be dinner too.

tuna salad sandwich

Leftover Tuscan ragu (mimicked from John’s on 12th St, NYC) with papardelle pasta.

Vegan sampler platter. :hot_pepper: :hot_face:

Leftover Hot & Sour soup

I stopped reading at “Vegan”.

Stomach was not feeling great so I had a salad, now feeling hungry again.

Tomato soup + crackers

This is good southeast Asian vegan made by a Malaysian couple!! :+1: :yum: